Innovative Local Development Strategies Local Action Group Felső-Homokhátság – San Fernando de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Innovative Local Development Strategies Local Action Group Felső-Homokhátság Why we need strategy? Strategy (from Greek „στρατηγία stratēgia, "art of troop leader; office of general, command, generalship" [ is a high level PLAN to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty. The STRATEGY is sum of planned and organized actions, in order to achieve one desired objective Usually difficult to achieve the goal - to reach our target (takes time, the circumstancies constantly changing, resource are scarcity, competitors are maneuvering…) The chosen and implemented strategy will determine the future !
Innovative Local Development Strategies Local Action Group Felső-Homokhátság Why we need a Local Development Strategy?
Innovative Local Development Strategies Local Action Group Felső-Homokhátság How can we rehabilitate the old industrial environment? How can we transform the local education portfolio according to the modern requirements?
Innovative Local Development Strategies Local Action Group Felső-Homokhátság Strategic issues Plan: The plan is a fixed program (schedule or regimen) in order to achieve a goal. – The plan does not make changes, or if a plan doesn't work, then we will create an other plan. Strategy: The strategy is more of a concept, an idea is a scenario, that is flexible and that from time to time re-formulate. – The periodic reconsideration of the strategy is an integral part of the strategy
Integrated approach Innovative Local Development Strategies Local Action Group Felső-Homokhátság
Economy Social care Youth Tourism Environment Minimal coordination no indicators no tracking the possible implementation stakeholder participation? potential resource planning Vision and Goals Priority Projects Organizational coordination Structured publicity Clear implementation structure Developed monitoring and indicators Clear budgetary mappings Clear implementation structure Continous learning process Coherence with other strategic plans (regional and national level) Economy Social care Environment Youth Tourism Resources? COMMONLY USED IN STRATEGIC PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION INTEGRATED APPROACH Innovative Local Development Strategies Local Action Group Felső-Homokhátság
Without involving the interested stakeholders - is not suitable for deal with complex problems Stakeholder - every person, group, organization, or system, which is taken and for which the affect made affects by the strategic decisions The usual top-down decision-making method and implementation process The involvement of stakeholders Innovative Local Development Strategies Local Action Group Felső-Homokhátság - More information and knowledge will appear in the system - A stronger and more efficient project-following expected - We have chance for better project selection - Increased legitimacy and transparency - Greater community engagement to the strategy and its implementation
The partnership creates social capital = success and sustainability of the local strategies The partnership creates social capital = success and sustainability of the local strategies Go beyond the political lines. Overcome the sector's partial approach. We need the widest network of relationships, including individuals, private farms and NGOs Go beyond the political lines. Overcome the sector's partial approach. We need the widest network of relationships, including individuals, private farms and NGOs The crucial role in partnerships - Participation We need to built consciously the partnership system, well as the physical infrastructure We need to built consciously the partnership system, well as the physical infrastructure Innovative Local Development Strategies Local Action Group Felső-Homokhátság
Self organization Situation Analysis The formulation of the strategy Implementation of the strategy Innovative Local Development Strategies Local Action Group Felső-Homokhátság FOUR STEPS OF STRATEGIC PROCESS
Innovative Local Development Strategies Local Action Group Felső-Homokhátság SELF-ORGANIZATION Ensure the commitment and the support Select a good strategic coordinator Role of the external consultants Developing new partnerships Establishment of the official organizational form Need a good operational regulations Initial marketing action - awareness raising Time investment: 1-3 Month SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS The survey of the strategic context To draw the profile of the region The survey of the own capacity and resource Technical analysis (PEST, SWOT, etc). We need to achieve a consensus on the field of situational analysis Continuous learning and education at this stage as well Time investment : 3-6 Months
Innovative Local Development Strategies Local Action Group Felső-Homokhátság THE FORMULATION OF THE STRATEGY The formulation of the vision. The formulation of objectives and priorities. Indicators - Examination of planning and achievement of project objectives Budget - Ensuring financial conditions Accurate task and responsibility structure a description of the strategy, document creation Political acceptance - reaching a consensus acceptance process Time requirements months IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STRATEGY Project identification and key projects selection. Focusing of the resource allocation Projects on standby position - "Always have a Plan B" Funding and implementation of projects. Monitoring. The strategy update. Time requirements - constantly
Innovative Local Development Strategies Local Action Group Felső-Homokhátság Be flexible no rules what you can not change with support Dreaming about the future and let others to dream Connect the people If you get stuck, ask for help Never give it up Keep the things in motion ‘Acceptance of the new forces a chance for economic prosperity’ – Gy. Cs. You need to be pro-active You have to manage the ‘situation, problem or status’ where there IS – not when it WAS
Innovative Local Development Strategies Local Action Group Felső-Homokhátság ‘You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.’ Michael Phelps, US Olympic swimmer We always have/had financial difficulties - it is natural Communicate about your activity in every channel Keep your eyes open - everything is possible Share the information in every level Keep going forward Trust and Cooperation
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