Slide: 1 37 th WGISS meeting|Cocoa beach | 14 april 2014 Richard Moreno WGISS chair report
WGISS chair report 14 April, Summary Output of 27 th Plenary Output of 29 th SIT Recovery Observatory Synergy VCs & WGs CEOS Opensearch
WGISS chair report 14 April, Output of 27 th plenary New CEOS chair : Alain RATIER from EUMETSAT Endorsed the membership of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST, Member) and Geoscience Australia (GA, Associate). Endorsed the CEOS Disaster Risk Management Earth observation requirements, and agreed to consolidate CEOS Agencies’ response for its three pilots (floods, seismic risks and volcanoes). Endorsed the creation of a new standing Working Group on Disasters, with ESA and CSA as its initial Chair and Vice Chair respectively. Received an update from the Space Data Coordination Group for GFOI on the status of the Global Baseline Strategy, and the formulation of new Space Data Services. Endorsed the creation of a joint CEOS-CGMS Working Group on Climate, adopting un-amended the Terms of Reference endorsed by the CGMS Plenary (CGMS-41).
WGISS chair report 14 April, Output of 29 th SIT meeting New SIT chair : Pascale Ultré-Guerard from CNES Working group process paper Need for a WGISS work plan? GEO Work Plan Symposium Endorsement of Recovery Observatory Need for update of the WGISS portal Collaboration with WGCapD Tools / software
WGISS chair report 14 April, Recovery Observatory WGISS will participate to the development of Recovery Observatory infrastructure If the proposal is endorsed by SIT-29 Experience return from KALHAITI project Wish to imply for the specification : Users needs from WGdisasters All WGISS agencies Wish to re-use existing elements (systems, libraries, code, software) From CEOS (WGISS + WGDisasters) agencies E.g. : Opensearch, CWIC & FedEO
WGISS chair report 14 April, Synergy VCs & WGs VCs All VCs have been contacted to make an intervention for WGISS-37 WGCV Joint meetings every 2 years up to Sept 2012 Participation of WGISS chair to a part of WGCV meeting on April 2014 There is no current shared topics No joint meeting foreseen on short term WGDisasters Recovery Observatory Supersites WGClimate ECVs WGCapD Repository of software
WGISS chair report 14 April, CEOS opensearch The 1st document : "OpenSearch GeoSpatial and Temporal Extensions” OGC r6 Comment phase is now closed ; and WGISS comments have been taken into account The 2nd document : “OpenSearch Extension for Earth Observation” OGC OGC comment phase will start soon WGISS will provide comments on this document A “CEOS Best practice document” has been initiated n8btIzD5eSZME n8btIzD5eSZME