Utilizing GIS and EMME/2 for Evaluating the Impacts of Development Nathan Masek GIS Transportation Planner Bernalillo County Public Works Division Albuquerque, New Mexico
Transportation Modeling Identify travel demand implications of land use and network scenarios Air quality modeling Traffic impact analysis (TIAs) Present quantifiable data/results to decision makers
Identifying Impacts of Future Transportation & Land Use Scenarios MPO - Develops long and near-term transportation plans - MTP and the TIP Local agencies - CIPs Development agreements
Transportation Impact Fees on development Service UnitsService Units –Capacity consumed, vehicle miles of lane capacity, LOS D –establish $ fairly RATIONAL NEXUSRATIONAL NEXUS –Requires specificity by area, LU type
M2probe and EMME/2 ArcView GIS extension Reads EMME/2 databank:trip tables/matrices, mode tables, o/d data Permits timely and efficient “interrogation” of scenarios Windows-based environment Integration w/other GIS source data
View Socioeconomic Datasets Link SE input file to TAZ shapefile
M2probe assignment features Reads EMME/2 data: matrices, tables Performs AON w/specified impedance - timau, len, gen-cost func., etc. Performs select link/taz assignments in timely manner
Illustrate Travel Patterns from Matrix Data Import Origin and Destination Matrices Attach O/D data to your TAZ theme Perform assignment by selected TAZ(s)
Travel time contours from select nodes Overlay contours onto TAZs to build access. measures: pop., hh., workers, etc Illustrate Travel Patterns...
Illustrate Travel Patterns from Select Link Assignments Click on a link to do selected link(s) assignments… Query trip table from EMME/2 databank –Assign trips using ALL links (through trips) –Assign trips using ANY selected link
River Crossing Analysis...
Corridor Analysis... Select link to identify through trips
Perform Air Quality Analysis... M2probe can run Mobile5a CO analysis, sel links, network Graduated line- width, summary tables
Identify development-related impacts Large subdiv. on fringe of region Important to ID T impacts potential intch. rebuild
Identify Development-Related Impacts Assign trips from devel. TAZs VMT by Func Class for dev. Trips only