Personal Contents Present Tense Past Tense Future Tense
PRESENT Simple Present Tense Present Continuous Tense Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect Continuous Tense
PAST Simple Past Tense Past Continuous Tense Past Perfect Tense Past Perfect Continuous Tense
FUTURE Simple Future Tense Future Continuous Tense Future Perfect Tense Future Perfect Continuous Tense
1.SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Simple present tense are use to talk about things people do regurlarly. Ex:- I brush my teeth every day. Simple present tense are use to talk about generel truths. Ex:- The moon shines at night
The following words are used to indicate the simple present tense Every dayRegularly Every yearNormaly Every weekSometimes alwaysOften usuallyNever generllySeldom
2.PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Present continuous tense is used to indicate action talking place or going on at the time of speaking subjectPresent tenseContinuous tense IAmDrinking WeAreDrinking YouAreDrinking TheyAreDrinking HeIsDrinking SheIsDrinking itisDrinking
Verb can arranged in the continuous form in three ways By adding ing to the verb stem Ex:- play - playing By leaving out the letter ‘e’ and adding ing Ex:-ride - riding By doubling the last letter in verbs ending with ‘g,m,n,t’ with short vowel sound Ex:-put - putting
3.THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE This is used do indicate an action complete in the immediate past. has + verb (past participle) have + verb (past participle) Ex:-has written subject + has +verb + rest of + have +p.p. + sentence Ex:-She has completed her homework
4.THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE The present perfect continuous tense is used to express an action which started at some time in the past and still continuing Ex:- have been watching has been eating has been + verb (ing form) have been + verb (ing form)
1.THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE TThe past tense use with regular verbs Ex:- I - wrote You - wrote He - wrote She - wrote It - wrote We - wrote You - wrote They- wrote
TThe following words are used to indicate the past tense Yesterday* some times ago Last week* a few minutes ago Last years* last Sunday In 1990* 5 years ago Ex:-he gave me a present yesterday.
2.THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE The past continuous tense is used to donate an action going on at some time in the past. Ex:- The girls were playing net ball The students were doing their home work subject + was verb stem + ing + rest were Ex:- I was watching television you were sleeping all evening
3.THE PAST PERFECT TENSE oToThe past perfect tense describes an action completed before a certain moment in the past. Ex:- * When I reached the air port the plane had left. * I had posted the letter before he arrived.
Subject + had + verb + rest past participle Ex:- * she had written the essay well * You had closed the shop * It had rained * It had seen the film before
4.THE PAST PERFECT CONTINUOS TENSE The past perfect continuos tense is used for an action that began before a certain point in the past and continued up to that time. Ex:- *before she came to srilanka last year *she had been studying in a foreign university
Subject + Had been + verb + ing + rest Ex:- * They had been watching T.V. for two hours * It had been raining for few hours * You had been talking since 8 o’ clock
1.THE SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE The simple future tense is used to express action that have still to take place. Ex:- * I shall do the home work tomorrow * Kamani will sit the exam next year * Tomorrow will be sunday SUBJECT + WILL + VERB STEM + OBJECT +REST SHALL
The following words are used to indicate the simple future tense TomorrowNext monday Day after tomorrowNext poya day Next weekNext year Next monthIn 2010
2.THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE WWe use the future continuous tense to talk about action which will be in the middle of an action at a time in the future. Ex:- This time next Monday I will be completing my home work I will be watching T.V. at p.m. Nirmala will be waiting for me at the station Subject + will be + verb + ing + object + rest shall be
3.THE FUTURE PERFECT TENSE We use the future perfect tense to indicate actions that will be completed at a certain time in the future. Ex:- * They will have lived here for four years next april * By next june he will have stayed with us for five years
4.THE FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE The future perfect continuous tense is used to express actions which will be in progress over a period of time that will end in the future. Ex:-*by next year,they will have been living in kandy for 5 years *our class teacher will have been teaching for 15 years next year Shall have been + ing form Will have been + ing form