Chapter 19 The Future Tense
The Use of the Future Tense Both English and Greek use the future tense to predict or describe an action that will take place in future. But Greek also uses the future tense to form commands – particularly when the NT is quoting the OT. –o` de. e;fh auvtw/|( VAgaph,seij ku,rion to.n qeo,n sou evn o[lh| th/| kardi,a| sou kai. evn o[lh| th/| yuch/| sou kai. evn o[lh| th/| dianoi,a| sou\ (Matt 22:37). –And He said to him, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37)
The Use of the Future Tense The future is formed by adding a sigma to the end of the future tense stem (lu,sw).
Present Tense lu,w lu,eij lu,ei Sng lu,ome n lu,ete lu,ousi n Pl lu,omai lu,h| lu,etai luo,meq a lu,esqe lu,ontai Active Passive/Middle lu,sw lu,seij lu,sei lu,some n lusete lu,sousi n Future Active
blepsw Instead of bleyw It becomes blepw Root word e;cswe;xwe;cw Funny Futures suna,gs w suna,xwsuna,gw
avgapa, sw Instead of avgaph, sw It becomes avgapa, w Root word lale,swlalh,swlale,w Funny Futures plhro,swplhrw,swplhro,w poie,swpoih,swpoie,w