INT197B: CyberCitizenship Spring 2010 Class 01
2 Catherine Dwyer Assoc. Prof. Seidenberg School Full time since Fall 2000 Other classes taught: CS121, CS122, IS112, IS223, IS323, IS396E (Java), IS660Z(Programming Games Using VB) Lead developer for Web Assisted CIS101 Revision Chair for IS Undergraduate curriculum Co-author with Dr. Jeanine Meyer of Programming Games With Visual Basic, Course Technology, 2001 Cathy Dwyer INT 197B Spring
3 My IS Background MS in CS (Pace), PhD in IS from NJIT, research area online privacy management Two daughters, recent college grad and high school junior Prior Experience: Programmer/Analyst at NYC investment bank, Technology Coordinator at Graphics Design Firm Husband journalist with The New York Times Research interests: social networking and social media, online privacy management, and sustainability You? Cathy Dwyer INT 197B Spring
4 Required Texts Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (New Perspectives) HTML Complete Concepts and Techniques, 5th ed. JavaScript 101 Security Awareness: Applying practical security in your world Quinn: Ethics for the Information Age Cathy Dwyer INT 197B Spring
5 Overview of Syllabus Description of class Books and readings assigned Link to class web site Assignments and grading Class policies
Cathy Dwyer INT 197B Spring Overview of Blackboard Site Resources on the blackboard siteblackboard site Link to course web sitecourse web site Instructor contact information Student contact Assignments and links to class resources Class schedule
Cathy Dwyer INT 197B Spring Technology portion of INT197B Introduction to Information Technology – hardware, software, and networking Excel – spreadsheet and data analysis Web – internet, networked technologies, web page design JavaScript – fundamental programming constructs
Technology assignments Homework based on class labs Homework based on reading assignments Excel exam (one hour) Security audit Group HTML project Final exam Cathy Dwyer INT 197B Spring
9 Computer Security Computer security affects individuals and organizations Do you have spyware on your computer? How is your computer vulnerable? Do the organizations you work with protect your information? Cathy Dwyer INT 197B Spring
Introduction to Information Technology Software – data and operations Hardware – storage in instructional capability Networking – data communication Cathy Dwyer INT 197B Spring
Cathy Dwyer INT 197B Spring Technology trends for 2010 Growing threat of cyber-espionage, including electrical blackoutscyber-espionageblackouts Growth of data mining – medical credit report cardmedical credit report card Web 2.0 and the 2008 Election2008 Election Mashups – diverse data sources combined and displayed (FlickrVision, map of web cams and a map of political contributions)FlickrVisionweb camspolitical contributions
Cathy Dwyer INT 197B Spring Trends cont. Location based applications – Google Earth and Google MapsGoogle Earth Google Maps “smart mobs,” i.e. distributed intelligence WikiPedia and map of WikiPedia edits WikiPediaWikiPedia edits Distributed content Microblogging – Twitter and TwitterVisionTwitterTwitterVision Music –, pandora, slacker, Groovesharklast.fmpandoraslackerGrooveshark Video – YouTube, Google Video, blip.tvYouTubeGoogle
Cathy Dwyer INT 197B Spring Social issues that arise from new technologies Can your Facebook page be used against you? Student expelled from college for political activism Student expelled from college Student denied teaching degree for “drunken pirate” photo on MySpacedenied teaching degree
Cathy Dwyer INT 197B Spring Technology Projects Use Excel to as an introduction to basic methods of data analysis Security audit – how secure is your system? Privacy, information flow, and the WWW
15 Excel 2007 Part of Microsoft Office Word, Access, PowerPoint How to start Excel Windows and tools in Excel interface Saving in Excel Cathy Dwyer INT 197B Spring
16 Homework See Assignments folder, week 01 Bring Excel Text to class See you on Tuesday!