The Gunpowder Plot By George Milburn & Edwin Abbassi
WHAT HAPPENED ? In men plotted to blow up the palace of Westminster and kill King James, where the English parliament sat.
Why? When James I was king he treated Catholics unfairly. Guy Fawkes and the many other Catholics in their small group hoped that King James I would change the laws, but he didn’t. Some ways they were treated unfairly; They had to practise their religion in secret. There were fines if people didn’t attend the Protestant church on Sunday or on holy days. p00kvpkx
WHO DID IT ? The 13 men who plotted to blow up the parliament were : Guy Fawkes, Robert Catesby, Thomas & Robert Wintour, John & Christopher Wright, Robert Keyes.
The Plot Itself The next time that the parliament was opened by King James 1, they would blow up everyone there with gunpowder. The group bought a house next door to the parliament building. This house had a cellar that was under the parliament building. The plan was to put gunpowder under the house which would then blow up parliament and the king.
How was Guy Fawkes Discovered? Guy Fawkes’ job was to keep watch over the barrels of gunpowder and to light the fuse. On the morning of 5 th November, Guy Fawkes was discovered hiding in the cellar by soldiers and so they arrested him. This would mean that the trail of gunpowder by his feet would never be lit.
What happened to Guy Fawkes After being caught Guy Fawkes was then taken to the Tower Of London. He was tortured and then questioned about the other plotters. In the beginning he told the soldiers nothing but later on he started to tell the truth.
Celebrating Guy Fawkes Night In celebration of his survival, King James ordered that the people of England would have a great bonfire on the night of 5 th of November. As we know this event is still celebrated every year on the same night, by using fireworks and burning ‘guys’ (effigies) on bonfires.