Zebulon B. Vance High School Vision: Graduate young adults who are self-directed, intellectually and socially engaged citizens ready for college, career, and life. Vision & Mission VAOE Mission: Maximize student exposure and training in the professional career fields to prepare students for entry level employment in the workforce and sustainability in their lives. Career & Technical Education Mission: Prepare students for post secondary success through college and career readiness.
Goal 1: Increase Academy of Engineering Advisory Board membership by cultivating five new partners that help support AOE objectives. (Lee Fain, Jarian Kerekes, Chris McDaniel, Anisa Henry, Jocelyn Yard, Toya Graham, Todd Bryant, Maciej Noras, Shermell Smith, Margaret Thornton) *ΔSpend more time following up and networking with Governors village businesses to recruit more advisory board members) Goal 2: Led by Academy Coordinator, supported by Academy Development Team*, identify Freshman Academy students for enrollment into one specific career academy: STEM-AOE, Business-AOF, Arts & Humanities-AOHT. (192 to 256 AOE Enrollment) **See requests by students spreadsheet & data Δ Spend more time direct calling home 1:1 to prospective parents & student to inform/recruit. Goal 3: Led by Academy Coordinator, supported by MeckEd Career Pathways Advisor and Career Development Coordinator, place 35 NAF AOE students in a 34 hour minimum work-based learning or internship experience. [Completed 31 AOE 34 hour work-based learning experiences/ Electrolux/ACE/OFH/Joey’s Truck Repair/UNCC/LH/], Δ Invest more time w/ CPCC, governors village businesses, and faith community) Goal 4: Led by Academy Coordinator, supported by Academy Development Team*, recruit one chairmen partner for both upcoming Academy of Finance and Academy of Hospitality & Management. (In progress // Charlotte Metro Credit Union – (Shirley Floyd ) & The City Kitch Owners- Mr. & Mrs. Hegnauer) Academy Coordinator Goals ( )
Goal 1.1.b Student enrollment numbers increase until the academy enrolls a maximum of 75 students per grade level. Enroll at least 50 students in each grade level or 200 (4-year program), 150 (3-year) 100 (2-year) enrolls less than 50 students in each grade level Goal 1.2.b Manage fully implemented AOE organizational structure in a four-year high school program of study which links core courses with technical content at each grade level, with a maximum of 4 PLTW courses which are sequenced and coordinated. Graduate all 44 AOE candidates. Goal 3.1.a Integrate AOE course projects into core subjects. Each PLTW course is regularly integrated into core subjects. Note: scores are calculated based on the total number of integrations across subjects in the academy. PLTW course projects are regularly integrated into a total of 5- 6 core subjects. (Curriculum Mapping) Academy Coordinator AOE Goals ( ) 4.1. Implement a four-year series of coordinated and sequenced work-based learning experiences that include activities within career awareness, career exploration and career preparation guarantee that students are provided with learning opportunities that build in sophistication, duration, and intensity and ultimately prepare them for paid internship* Sponsor an AOE Student Intern Campaign $510 gift card per 120 hour student intern for qualified NAFtrack candidates. ( approx. 8 AOE Potential Students * $4.25 federal ojt wage * 120 hours = $4,080 ) Goal 4- Led by Academy Coordinator, recruit two more AOE private industry board members.
AOE PLC Proposed Goals ( ) ≥ 85% of CTE Academy students will achieve ≥ 85% proficiency on the course capstone project. ≥ 80% of CTE Academy students will achieve ≥ 80% proficiency (≥ Level 4) on the course standardized PLTW post assessment. ≥ %80 of CTE Academy students will achieve proficiency on English 2 EOC Exam. ≥ %80 of CTE Academy students will achieve proficiency on Biology EOC Exam ≥ %80 Proficiency on Math 1 EOC Exam
AOE Team Action Plan Goals ( ) Strategic StandardGoalStatus / RolesDue Date 3.1.a Integrate AOE course projects into core subjects. Each PLTW course is regularly integrated into core subjects. Note: scores are calculated based on the total number of integrations across subjects in the academy. PLTW course projects are regularly integrated into a total of 5- 6 core subjects. (Curriculum Mapping) 1.Receive principal and SLT support for designated cross-curricular planning time. Principal, AP, AC, IC,August 2015 Steps: 1.Identify common cross-curricular planning time 2.Choose project (i.e. re-design media centers for maker spaces) 3.Curriculum map and plan with design template with all academy teachers. 4.Create time to implement during class 5.Publish innovative student cross-curricular work
AOE Team Action Plan Goals ( ) Strategic StandardGoalStatus / RolesDue Date 1.1b_Student enrollment numbers increase until the academy enrolls a maximum of 75 students per grade level. Enroll at least 50 students in each grade level or 200 (4-year program), 150 (3- year) 100 (2-year) enrolls less than 50 students in each grade level 1) Retain ≥ 90% of 63 AOE Freshmen after school year In Progress / Instructors, AC, CDC, Meck-Ed June 2016 Steps: 1.Enroll and manage MyNAFtrack srudent profiles across all grade levels. 2.Complete and implement Work Based Learning Continuum across all grade levels
AOE Team Action Plan Goals ( ) Strategic StandardGoalStatus / RolesDue Date 1.1b_Student enrollment numbers increase until the academy enrolls a maximum of 75 students per grade level. Enroll at least 50 students in each grade level or 200 (4-year program), 150 (3- year) 100 (2-year) enrolls less than 50 students in each grade level 1.Graduate all 44 AOE Senior Students (Cohort 4) in 2016 In Progress - AC, CDC, Advisory Board, June 2016 Steps: 1.Complete minimum 34 hour internships. 2.Identify NAF Track Candidates & place/encourage 120 hours of paid/stipend internship 3.Raise $10,000 to sponsor ≥ 8 paid academy interns. 4.Write-up request for funding proposal (gofundme.com/yourstudent) 5.Communicate proposal to different markets to fund NAF Track students (boards, private network, etc)
AOE Team Action Plan Goals ( ) Strategic StandardGoalStatus / RolesTimeline / Due Date 1.1b_Student enrollment numbers increase until the academy enrolls a maximum of 75 students per grade level. Enroll at least 50 students in each grade level or 200 (4-year program), 150 (3- year) 100 (2-year) enrolls less than 50 students in each grade level 1.Recruit/Schedule 75 rising AOE freshmen for next school year. AC, CDC, APIFeb-April 2016 Steps: 1.Present AOE opportunity in middle school assembly. 2.Review 8 th grade performance indicators to identify 75 potential AOE candidate. 3.Call 75 STEM candidate parents/students in 8 th grade to discuss AOE opportunity.
AOE Team Action Plan Goals ( ) Strategic StandardGoalStatus / RolesDue Date Goal 1.2.b Manage fully implemented AOE organizational structure in a four-year high school program of study which links core courses with technical content at each grade level, with a maximum of 4 PLTW courses which are sequenced and coordinated. 1.…Instructors, IC, AC, CDC June 2016 Steps: 1.…
AOE Team Action Plan Goals ( ) Strategic StandardGoalStatus / RolesDue Date ? ??? Steps: 1.?