The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton Pre-Reading Information
S.E. Hinton S.E. Hinton stands for Susan Eloise. Born in the 1950’s in Tulsa, Oklahoma She started The Outsiders at age 15. It was published in 1967.
Young Adult Fiction The language and details of the story are rooted in the 1960s. The setting is in the Southwest. competition survival. Examines the dynamics of friendship, competition, and survival.
Do not prejudge people. Be tolerant of differences among people. Friendship is important.
Tulsa OklahomaMid-1960s The book takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the Mid-1960s.
Symbols: Symbols: symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract concepts or ideas. Symbols Symbols to watch for: Two-Bit’s Switchblade CarsBob’s RingsGreaser Hair Two-Bit’s Switchblade, Cars, Bob’s Rings, Greaser Hair
Motifs: Motifs: motifs are recurring structures, contrasts, or literary devices that can help to develop and inform the text’s major themes. motifs Some motifs are: literatureeye shape and color Ponyboy’s losses of consciousness literature, eye shape and color, and Ponyboy’s losses of consciousness.
first person This book is narrated by the protagonist Ponyboy. The point of view is first person.
themes Search for some examples of the themes discussed here. motifs Look for some of the motifs and uncover their importance to the text.
Picture Credits Animated book mated_book02.gif mated_book02.gif S.E. Hinton photo media/hinton_se.jpg media/hinton_se.jpg Outsider’s cover us/schools/Ms/teachers/burke/i mages/outsiders_000.jpg us/schools/Ms/teachers/burke/i mages/outsiders_000.jpg School cafeteria u/dsuarchives/images/Student %20Life/East%20Hall%20Cafet eria%20snack%20bar% %20%202%20small.jpg u/dsuarchives/images/Student %20Life/East%20Hall%20Cafet eria%20snack%20bar% %20%202%20small.jpg Gold stick figure Power Point clip art