The Ilsleys Primary School Review and priorities for 2015/2016
Review of 2015 Overall 100% children achieved Level 4 for Reading, Writing and Maths – one pupil made 6 sub levels in a year with only just missing a Level 4 on GPS. Only 4 schools in WB achieved 100% Level 4 with one of them only having 1 pupil 85.7% achieved Level 4B+ Reading, Writing and Maths combined compared to the national average of 69% this is well above the national average 57.1% of those children scored a Level 5 for Reading, Writing and Maths compared to the national average of 23.9% 71.4% in KS2 scored a Level 5 in Reading compared to the national average of 48.1% with 57.1% for Writing as opposed to the national average of 35.8% The school was in the top 3 schools in WB for results alongside our collaborative partner school Hampstead Norreys For EYFS the school scored 70% for a GLD compared to WB which is 60.7%/national average is 66.2% - this is also up from last years score of 50%
Data For KS1 for Reading 90% achieved 2B+ compared to the national average of 82.1% For KS1 for Writing 80% achieved 2B+ compared to the national average of 72.2% For KS1 for Maths 90% achieved 2B+ compared to the national average of 81.6% For KS1 for Level 3 (well above average) Reading we scored 40% compared to the national average of 32.0% For KS1 for Level 3 Writing we scored 20% compared to the national average of 17.5% For KS1 for Level 3 Maths we scored 20% compared to the national average of 26.0% - we were below the national average for Level 3 Maths For KS1 Writing there has been some decline over the last three years for 2B was 80% compared to 2014 of 87.5% and 2013 of 100% - the previous years cohorts were smaller however For KS1 Writing we have a higher percentage on Level % compared to 2014 of 0% For KS2 for GPS this year we scored 71.4% Level 5 compared to the last two years of 62.5% 2014 and 33.3% in 2013
Data For KS2 Level 5 Writing this has significantly improved compared to 2013 and In % scored a Level 5 in Writing, in % and in 2015 this rose to 57.1% Level 5 Reading has significantly improved from % to 50% in 2014 and 71.4% in For Phonics the school achieved 50% compared to the national average of 76.9% - this can be down to very small cohorts 14.3% achieved a Level 6 in Maths – this was 1 child out of a cohort of 7
Priorities for 2015/2016 Development of leadership capacity – collaboration day to day and strategic direction governance Development of new assessment system – ‘life after levels’ – how will this look? When will you know? Pupil development – well being, behaviour and welfare All pupils have to achieve the floor standard (R,W,M combined) of 65% (was set at 85%) - for the last two years the school has achieved 87.5% in 2014 and in % in 2013 the school achieved 66.7% - the Dfe have issued guidance that says if schools have fewer than 85% of pupils achieving that standard in 2014 and 2015 and don’t show progress then they will be considered a ‘coasting’ school – this will be tracked over 3 years – not comparable Collaboration – committee, joint practice development, professional learning pairs
Collaboration Strong leadership team working across both schools Continuation of work across both schools – joint practice development Continued work with Andy Hind Leadership(day to day) and collaboration team meetings Joint staff meetings Joint events with children and staff Teachers planning together Professional learning pairs Revision work Year 5/6 and Year 2 Development of systems, processes and activities across both schools