Lafayette Park West (LPW) Annual Home Owners Association Meeting Agenda – November 18th )Call to Order 2)Roll Call 3)Proof Of Notice of Meeting 4)Review and approval of Annual Meeting Minutes from )Reports of Officers: New Board Member IntroductionsRicha, Kristyn Roles and Responsibilities of the LPW BoardRobert Project UpdatesMarcella Budget Review (2015)Amanda Fiscal Review: Distribution of HOA DuesRobert
Lafayette Park West (LPW) Annual Home Owners Association Meeting Agenda – November 18th ) Reports of Officers (Continued) 2016 Project PlanKristyn Way Ahead…. Three Major GoalsRobert 6) Election of New Board MembersAmanda 7) Old Unfinished BusinessAmanda 8) Transition to Sentry ManagementDave 9) Community Forum (3 Minutes per topic)Robert 10) Raffle DrawingAmanda 11) AdjournmentRobert
Lafayette Park West (LPW) Annual Home Owners Association Meeting Welcome New Board Members…. 5 A Rolls and Responsibilities of Your Board…. 5 B Project Updates…….. 5 C Kristyn & Richa Robert (Slide 5) Marcella (No Slide) 2015 Budget Review and Forecast 5 D Amanda – Robert (Slide 6/7) Reports of Officers
Lafayette Park West (LPW) Annual Home Owners Association Meeting 2016 Work Plan 5 E 2016 and Beyond 5 F Election of Board Members 6 6 Kristyn (Slide 8) Robert (Slide 9 – 10) Amanda Management Transition To Sentry 7 7 Dave Reports of Officers
LPW Board Purpose: Synergy of Vision, Key Tasks, Priorities What is the Purpose of the Board? Legal/Fiscal Shape Vision Maintain compliance with all applicable Federal, State, Local Laws, Statues and binding Policy Provide Fiscal Oversight for the administration of Association assets Shape Policy which maintains or enhances Community safety and security Vision: develop Policy to enhance current and future Home/Property Values Board Time and Decisions CRITICAL TASKS SUPPLIMENTAL TASKS 70% 30% Socials Fiscal Management Information Flow Homeowner Compliance Common Area Maintenance Safety (Lights, sidewalks) Board Membership Parking…Garbage Committee Development Welcome 5 B
X 90 homes, plus interest and late fees LPW HOA Budget Model $91,100 Established in LPW By-Laws 14% Property Management Bladerunners Trash 63% Insurance/Audit/Tax Electricity 5% Reserve Fund Contracts Required Tree work New Streetlights Social Additional Landscaping 18% Discretionary 5 D
1.No Dues Increase for “Contracts/Required” costs rise 3% Annually 3.Only Discretionary Funds (DF) can flex… 4.Extra Snow/Ice is sourced from DF 5.Minimal Social spending for Not every home owner is current 7.Enforcement/Legal Costs are DF The “So What” Analysis (2016) 1.10% dues increase to $1100 (or 3% per year) in 2017 o Next increase in 2020 ~ $ Supports annual Contracts/Required (68% Budget) 3.Taste of LPW Fall Social 1x per year 4.Prepare for impending Tree Crisis (Bore Ash) 5.Provide for Tree Replacement 6.New Reserve Study (2016) 7.Establish Resources to achieve the Top Three Way Ahead D
2016TREESSECURITY PROPERTY VALUEGOVERNANCEOTHER JANUARY APRIL Focus: Flood Lights Adams Park Court Homes and Circle Lots 90,74, 69, 44 Focus: Review of Governing Documents MAY JUN JULY AUG SEP OCT Focus: Ravensworth and CPC/APC Common Areas Bore Ash Containment Focus: Rear APC Property Line Brush Yellow Curbs Parking Space Lines and House Numbers Focus: Dry Well to reduce Adams Park Court Flooding behind lots 70 and 69 OTHER FACTORS Winter- Summer Storm Damage Legal & Court Costs Increased 2016 Snow Removal 5E $6000 $2000 $2500 $3000 $1400 *Max Discretionary Spending is $14, Discretionary Funds Work Plan
Lafayette Park West (LPW) Annual Home Owners Association Meeting GARBAGE & GOING GREENOWNERSHIP OF THE COMMONSPARKING & PARKING CONTROL Its about the space….room to maneuver…sustaining or increased property value….. “TOP THREE” Transfer of APC from Virginia to LPW o “The Gated Effect” o Opens physical space for o Not successfully done in Mason District o Will impact Reserve Costs o May require Escrow Account There must be a better way… o Visual Impression o Health-Sanitary Impact o Property Value o Anticipate Iterative Steps May Provide physical space for a 20 year solution… 1 Program Concept o Reduce APC Congestion o Increase First Responder room o Generate Income to defer costs o Above 2x Cars = $100 per car/per year o Establish 10 mph Speed Limits o Eliminate double APC Curb Parking o Regulate Parking in/on the Circles o Enable Guest Pass Parking Program o Enables LPW Parking Stickers o Enforcement – No Pay, No Park There must be a better way… o Visual Impression o Health-Sanitary Impact o Property Value o Anticipate Iterative Steps 5 F
Lafayette Park West (LPW) Annual Home Owners Association Meeting GARBAGE & GOING GREENOWNERSHIP OF THE COMMONSPARKING & PARKING CONTROL Its about the space….room to maneuver…sustaining or increased property value….. “TOP THREE” Transfer of APC from Virginia to LPW o “The Gated Effect” o Opens physical space for o Not successfully done in Mason District o Will impact Reserve Costs o May require Escrow Account There must be a better way… o Visual Impression o Health-Sanitary Impact o Property Value o Anticipate Iterative Steps 18 Month Process Program Concept o Reduce CPC/APC Congestion o Increase First Responder room o Generate Income to defer costs o Establish 10 mph Speed Limits o Eliminate double APC Curb Parking o Regulate Parking in/on the Circles o Enable Guest Pass Parking Program o Enable LPW Parking Stickers o Enforcement – No Pay, No Park 5 F Plan NOW…. Execute Spring 2016 LINKED ACTIONS
Lafayette Park West (LPW) Annual Home Owners Association Meeting Election of Board Members – Old Unfinished Business 6 6 Amanda Transition To Sentry Property Management 7 7 Dave Open Forum….3 Minutes Per Raffle and Adjournment Amanda 8 8