Transdisciplinary Early Childhood Teacher Preparation Nancy Ely College Teaching November 3, 2010
Michigan ZS Standards Promoting Child Development and Learning Building Family and Community Relationships Observing, Documenting, and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families Teaching and Learning Becoming A Professional Field Experiences Michigan Department of Education
“To prepare early childhood teachers so that they can support the development of every infant and young child regardless of their ability.” DEC & NAEYC Early Childhood Inclusion Position Statement, 2009
Teacher Preparation
Core Content & Knowledge Base Knowledge of working with diverse populations Knowledge of child development Differentiation and adaptation of curriculum Developmentally Appropriate Practice
“It is critical that teacher education programs ensure that future early childhood teachers have the knowledge base, skills and strategies to meet the needs of all children, with and without disabilities, within the general education classroom setting.” Silverman, Hong, & Trepanier-Street, 2010
Experiences On the job practice Multiple opportunities and experiences to generalize content with experience
“We learn to do the work by doing the work, not by telling other people to do the work, not by having done the work at some time in the past, and not by hiring experts who can act as proxies for our knowledge about how to do the work.” Elmore R., 2008
“Teaching is a profession that requires on-the-job practice.” Wallis, C., 2008
Teacher Retention Mentorship Professional Development
“Teachers, unlike most professionals, are treated as experts on day one. Brand new teachers are given their own classroom full of students and the same level of responsibility for teaching them as are 20 year veterans.” DiMaggio, M., n.d.
“Between a quarter and a third of new teachers quit within the first three years on the job, and as many as 50% leave poor, urban schools within 5 years.” Wallis, C., 2008
“Mentors support the growth of excellent teachers who in turn will enhance the development and growth of young children and their families.” William H. Strader, NAEYC, 2009
Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation.” Everett Koop