Substance Abuse Spring 2011
Substance-Related Disorders Substance abuse Substance dependence –Tolerance –Withdrawal Substance intoxication 2 Define substance vs. substance dependence
Biopsychosocial Theories Biologic Genetic Psychological Sociocultural Family systems 3 Discuss the biological and psychosocial theories related to substance abuse
Populations at Risk Teenagers Psychiatric clients Women General hospital clients 4 Discuss the populations most vulnerable for substance related disorders
Populations at Risk - continued Older Adults Adult Children of Alcoholics Health Care Providers 5 Discuss the populations most vulnerable for substance related disorders
Alcohol Physical effects Psychological effects Withdrawal effects 6 Discuss the physical, psychological and withdrawal effects of substances
Barbiturates and Sedatives/Hypnotics Physical effects Psychological effects Withdrawal effects 7 Discuss the physical, psychological and withdrawal effects of substances
Opioids Physical effects Psychological effects Withdrawal effects 8 Discuss the physical, psychological and withdrawal effects of substances
Amphetamines Physical effects Psychological effects Withdrawal effects 9 Discuss the physical, psychological and withdrawal effects of substances
Cannabis Physical effects Psychological effects Withdrawal effects 10 Discuss the physical, psychological and withdrawal effects of substances
Cocaine Physical effects Psychological effects Withdrawal effects 11
PCP Physical effects Psychological effects Withdrawal effects 12
Hallucinogens Physical effects Psychological effects Withdrawal effects 13 Discuss the physical, psychological and withdrawal effects of substances
Inhalants Physical effects Psychological effects Withdrawal effects 14 Discuss the physical, psychological and withdrawal effects of substances
Treatment Approaches Pharmacological General hospital care Specialty hospital care Residential rehabilitation Extended residential care 15 Discuss the various treatment approaches for substance abuse and related disorders
Treatment Approaches - continued Outpatient care Self-help groups Twelve-step programs 16 Discuss the various treatment approaches for substance abuse and related disorders
Dual Diagnosis Challenges Psychiatric clients are vulnerable to substance use and abuse Treatment must address both problems Specialized treatment programs 17 Discuss the specific problems presented with dual diagnosis clients
Interventions Confrontation strategies Education Referral and self-help groups Lifestyle change Family 18 Discuss the variety of short term and long term intervention strategies
Relapse Prevention Relapse is common Recognize symptoms of relapse Relapse prevention groups 19 Discuss strategies for relapse prevention
Outcome Criteria Abstinence from alcohol and drugs Coping Decision-making Impulse control 20 Discuss outcome criteria
Maintaining Therapeutic Optimism Substance abuse is a chronic relapsing condition. The power of a therapeutic relationship Talk to people in recovery. Talk to clients about spirituality. Find mentors. Take care of yourself! 21 Discuss self-awareness issues related to caring for individuals with substance abuse issues.