第一屆香港校長研討會 E21 直資學校與家長 講者:陳家偉校長. 直資學校與家長 直資學校的資助是按照收生人數的多寡 而訂,因此, 家長是否願意報讀, 是直資學 校的關鍵。家長可以是學校的助力,也 可以是阻力,因此怎樣與家長溝通, 建立 優良的家校合作之化最為重要。家長是 學校最佳的親善大使,他們的口碑可以.


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Presentation transcript:

第一屆香港校長研討會 E21 直資學校與家長 講者:陳家偉校長

直資學校與家長 直資學校的資助是按照收生人數的多寡 而訂,因此, 家長是否願意報讀, 是直資學 校的關鍵。家長可以是學校的助力,也 可以是阻力,因此怎樣與家長溝通, 建立 優良的家校合作之化最為重要。家長是 學校最佳的親善大使,他們的口碑可以 提升校譽。另外,家長報讀直資學校不 受校網限制,但除了讓他們行使選擇權 (parental choice) 外,還要給空間他們參 與 (parental participation) 建立校本管理 的文化。

P Philosophy Philosophy Policy Policy Power Power Participate Participate Partner Partner Promise Promise Plan Plan Process Process Program Program Proud Proud

R Resource Resource Resistant Resistant Relationship Relationship Right Right Response Response Rewarding Rewarding

Parents Students Teachers Others Close System Open System

Resources 開源 Free Free Flexible Flexible Unlimited Unlimited 財與才 財與才 Financial resource’s expertise Financial resource’s expertise Internal Communication Image Internal Communication Image

P.R. Public relations (PR) is a deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its public.

Image It has been estimated that enhancing or building up a school’s image takes five to ten years depending on how well known it is, but its deterioration can be rapid because of a short burst of adverse publicity.

Image A school’s image is the result of the interaction of all experiences, impressions, beliefs, feelings and knowledge people have about it and involves reinforcing positive messages about the institution itself. Pupils are often a school’s best PR agent

Internal marketing’s communication The success of a school’s marketing is critically dependent upon the effectiveness of its internal communication The success of a school’s marketing is critically dependent upon the effectiveness of its internal communication Staff are key participants in public relations and personal selling and fund- raising. Staff are key participants in public relations and personal selling and fund- raising. Pupils are the school’s ambassadors and represent in effect its end product. Pupils are the school’s ambassadors and represent in effect its end product. Parent contribute to school marketing in a variety of ways, word-of-month recommendation, actively supporting school events and offering professional expertise when required. Parent contribute to school marketing in a variety of ways, word-of-month recommendation, actively supporting school events and offering professional expertise when required.

Leadership Constant innovation Care of customers People orientation Corporation leadership should at the same time be externally focused, and remain adaptive and sensitive to market and environment alike. This means that people at all levels in the organization should spend time listening to, empathizing and staying in touch with customers, distributors and innovators alike. Peter and Austin’s excellence model

Company EmployeesCustomers Internal Marketing External Marketing Interactive Marketing Three Types of Marketing in Service Industries

Parents SchoolStudents

Vision and Mission Quality Policy Quality Objective

優才 ( 楊殷有娣 ) 學校 品質政策 我們以學生為本,重視多元智能,讓每個學 生都在愉快的環境中健康成長,發展才華。 我們重視家校合作,共育優才。我們的抱負 是培養有愛心、具創意、肯勤奮的優秀人才。 我們的使命是培養品德、提高學養。 為達成抱負和使命,學校教職員共同 發揮團隊精神,努力不懈,積極求進,力臻 完美。我們將以 ISO 9001 管理系統為基礎, 制定清晰明確的教育目標,推動重視教育質 素的文化。各科組在制定各項工作計劃時會 訂出可量化的質量目標,切實執行,嚴格監 控,定期評估,總結績效及持續求進,以不 斷改善我們的教育素質。

G. T.(Ellen Yeung) School Quality Policy We are student-centred and take account of multiple- intelligences. We will assist students to grow healthily and develop their potentials in a pleasant environment. We strongly believe that having parents as our educational partners is key to success. The vision of our school is to develop caring, creative and diligent citizens. Our mission is to help our students to cultivate morality and to enhance learning ability. To achieve our vision and mission, all personnel in school will work as a team to strive for performance excellence. We will adopt the ISO 9001 quality management system, develop specific and measurable educational goals and promote quality culture in education. We will set measurable objectives in planning, execute the plans verily, monitor their implementation strictly, verify their outputs regularly, review results and commit to continual improvement to enhance the quality in education.

HKQAA 香港品質保証局

Internal Marketing Goals Gain the support of key decision makers and facilitators; Gain the support of key decision makers and facilitators; Change attitudes among those employees who deal with customers; Change attitudes among those employees who deal with customers; Obtain employees’ commitment to making the marketing plan work by involving them in the ‘ownership’ of the plan and by rewarding them on the plan’s attainment; Obtain employees’ commitment to making the marketing plan work by involving them in the ‘ownership’ of the plan and by rewarding them on the plan’s attainment; Train staff to allow them to develop new skill that will contribute to the effective implementation of plans. Train staff to allow them to develop new skill that will contribute to the effective implementation of plans.

Internal Marketing In 1982, Peter and Waterman published their book In Search for Excellence in which they focused upon high performing organizations and attempted to identify the sorts of characteristics which contributed to excellence performance. It recognized the real value of staff and made a conscious and sustained effort both to maximize and make full use of their potential. The creation of shared values led to the idea of internal marketing. Internal marketing refers to any form of marketing within an organization which focuses attention on the internal activities that need to be changed in order that marketing plans may be implemented. Internal marketing is concerned with the creating the sort of culture and climate within organization in which there is a far clearer understanding among all staff of the objectives, the key values and the sorts of implementation issue that need to addressed.

In view of this complexity, Gronroos has argued that service marketing requires not only 4P traditional external marketing but two other marketing thrusts, namely, internal marketing and interactive marketing. Internal Marketing It describes the work done by the company to train and motivate its internal customers, namely its customer-contact employees and supporting service personal, to work as a team to provide customer satisfaction. Everyone must practice a customer orientation. Interactive Marketing It describes the employees’ skill in handling customer contact.

質量 由服務對象定義的 由服務對象定義的 符合使用的目標 符合使用的目標 由不斷進步得來的 由不斷進步得來的 由預防失誤做的 由預防失誤做的 一開始就要做得對 一開始就要做得對 可以量化的 可以量化的  尊重和滿足服務對象的感 受和需要

七個要點 七個要點 我有足夠渠道向學校表達意見 我有足夠渠道向學校表達意見 學校樂意聽取家長的意見 學校樂意聽取家長的意見 學校透過不同渠道 例如家長通告 家 教會 學校網頁等 讓我知道學校的重 要活動和最新發展 學校透過不同渠道 例如家長通告 家 教會 學校網頁等 讓我知道學校的重 要活動和最新發展 家教會能促進家長與學校的溝通 家教會能促進家長與學校的溝通 學校時常邀請家長參與學校活動 學校時常邀請家長參與學校活動 我積極參與學校的活動 我積極參與學校的活動 我與學校的關係良好 我與學校的關係良好

Theory of Adequacy “An adequate person makes an adequate partner, and an adequate parent” Samuel Rower

This is an ongoing process. The Foundation is to be nurtured as an adequate person.