TimeLine Phase 1: Planning Time: 1 year Phase 2: Construction Time: 6 months Phase 3: Installation Time: 1 month Phase 4: Student Involvement
Phase One: Planning 1 full calendar year Lease agreement Finalized Blueprints Permits, Tax incentives and credit froms
Customer Lease Agreement Contract between RPI and SunDurance RPI has complete ownership of the system Sundurance manages initial costs – Tax incentives and credits SunDurance handles details of project – Analysis, design, forms and applications
Construction Building of panels and support structure Off-site Solaire Generation Max Rack
Installation 1 month Assembly of panels and supports on-site North lot blocked
Student Involvement Ongoing Research groups and design teams – Real-time data – Snow removal system New club: CleanU – All interested students – Educating the public about the project – Spreading information about the project
Expertise Civil, mechanical, electrical, and materials engineers Business managers and lawyers
Stakeholders Students Faculty Local, State and Federal Government Solar Panel Companies and Manufacturers Local Citizens