Causes of the GREAT WAR (1914 – 1918) November 17, 2014
Industrial Revolution had a HUGE impact on the start of the Great War Countries compete for BEST INVENTIONS Also…Want BEST COLONIES to get resources Natural resources: wood, iron, oil, gas, coal, etc. Need resources to fuel industrial revolution MAIN Causes to the Great War 1.Militarism: glorification of the military in various European countries Competition between countries to have BEST MILITARY Countries want to invent BEST MILITARY WEAPONS 2. Alliances: agreement between countries to protect each other Good thing, BUT bad because: SOMETHING SMALL TURNS INTO SOMETHING BIG 3.Imperialism: Build EMPIRE (add colonies/ territories to country) Competition to have BEST colonies with BEST resources 4.Nationalism: EXTREME pride for your country Belief that your country is BEST Social Darwinism applies…The BEST country will prevail (win)
June 28, 1914: Heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary and his wife are assassinated by a Serbian nationalist July 28: Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia – Serbia has an alliance with RUSSIA – Austria-Hungary has an alliance with GERMANY August 1: Germany declares war on Russia – But…Russia has an alliance with FRANCE August 3: Germany declares war on France – In order to get to France, Germany walks through Belgium – Belgium considers this an ACT OF WAR August 4: Belgium declares war on Germany – But…Belgium has an alliance with England August 5: England declares war on Germany Germany’s PROBLEM: 2 Front War Eastern Front: Germany is fighting Russia & Serbia Western Front: Germany is fighting England & France