Global Studies II Mid Term Review January, 2016
Machiavelli Wrote The Prince “The end justifies the means” Encourages leaders to establish and maintain power
Ottoman Empire Crossroads between Asia, Africa, and Europe TRADE center between Europe and Asia Fall of Byzantine Empire cause search for new trade routes
Louis XIV Absolutist from France
Mughal Empire Muslim Religion Led by Akbar the Great (Absolutist)
Scientific Revolution / Enlightenment Laws of nature and reason Ideas provided a spark for revolutions (American and French)
John Locke Life, Liberty, and Property Natural Rights Balance the needs of the society with the needs of the individual. Example: Declaration of the Rights and Man
Causes of the French Revolution P: King Louis XVI (Absolutism) S: Old Regime (Clergy, Nobles, Peasants) E: High taxes
Effects of Latin America Simon Bolivar gains independence for South America.
Causes of Industrial Revolution England had natural resources needed for industrialization
Results of the Industrial Revolution New middle class
Karl Marx Class Struggle Workers (proletariats) should revolt against owners (capitalists)
Nationalism Otto Von Bismarck (Germany) and Giuseppe Garibaldi (Italy) UNIFIED their nations.
Imperialism in China Boxer Rebellion – Attempt to remove FORIEGNERS. Opium War resulted in the Spheres of Influence. Unequal Treaty (Treaty of Nanjing) resulted from European nations having a superior military.
Imperialism in India Sepoy Mutiny attempt to gain INDEPENDENCE for India
Imperialism in Africa White Man’s Burden: Europeans need to civilize the people of Africa. Berlin Conference: Division of Africa by European nations.
Causes of WWI M: Militarism A: Alliances I: Imperialism N: Nationalism Final Spark: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Balkan Powder Keg
Effects of WWI Woodrow Wilson: 14 Points (Free Trade, No imperialism, League of Nations, Self Determination) ***REJECTED*** Treaty of Versailles (Germany had to par war reparations, no colonies, no military, no A/L) New Map (Poland, No Ottoman Empire) World War II