Digital Library Syllabus Uploader Will Cameron CSC 8530 Fall 2006 Presentation 1
Use Case Course Instructor Submitter Submission Site Admin Digital Library User Complete Syllabus Form Complete Required Fields Select Optional Fields and complete Submit syllabus to Digital Library Add Custom Fields and complete Browse/Search/Retreive a syllabus on DSpace digital library site Submit address for account creation Log In Verify Create or Deny Account
Deployment Diagram Syllabi Submission Web Server Syllabi Submission Web Server (Apache/Tomcat) (Apache/Tomcat) Syllabi Submission Form Web Service Client DSpace Digital Library (Apache/Tomcat) Metadata Translation Item Document Creation Item Creation Web Service Server Database Database for accounts, saved syllabi
Algorithm Messaging form data from one web server to another Messaging form data from one web server to another To facilitate the automatic creation of a digital library item on the DSpace side To facilitate the automatic creation of a digital library item on the DSpace side –A text document/word doc which represents the item –Metadata entry created about that item in Dublin Core DSpace Registry Allows for searching, browsing for the resource in the digital library Allows for searching, browsing for the resource in the digital library –Requires a mapping of standard syllabus fields to the Dublin Core Metadata standard as implemented in DSpace Syllabus fields: course description, topics, grading, assignments… Syllabus fields: course description, topics, grading, assignments… –File Share of sorts, however, the ‘file’ is generated on the fly as based upon the form completed by the user –Handle concurrency of submissions from multiple users