SEACIONS – another IONS IONS-04 INTEX-NA Ozonesonde Network Study Examined summertime pollution over eastern North America IONS-06 INTEX-B Ozonesonde Network Study Examined Asian pollution inflow to western North America and NA export of pollution to Europe. ARCIONS-08 Arctic Intensive Ozonesonde Network Study Examined springtime polar outflow SEACIONS-12 Southeast Asia Consortium for Intensive Ozonesonde Network Study.** Examine influence of Asian emissions on convection, air quality, ozone budget. INtercontinental Transport EXperiments ** Thompsonization of SEAC 4 RS (Southeast Asia Composition, Cloud, Climate Coupling Regional Study)
Needs to be filled
Should there be a WV profile column? (Rennie?)
What I need in advance of SEACIONS Sample data file (if possible) Who is launching CFH’s? Who is launching GPS sondes? PI’s associated with each station FINAL Lat / Lon (degrees), Elevation sent prior to the first launch. Website: Remember: Launch times need to be in UTC NOT local time.
IF the data files (zipped) are not large ( < 12 MB) data to both these addresses: Also: Anonymous ftp ftp –p Logon: anonymous Password: address Directory: incoming/tropo/witte that you’ve pushed data. It would be nice to get a heads up. Note: witte subdirectory is invisible. It has ‘write-only’ privileges.