Utilising the Performance Culture Toolkit Karen Hargan - Director of Organisation Development and Community Planning
Where are we with transition? Ballymena, Carrickfergus and Larne Borough Councils 830 employees plus Agency Workers 3 of 4 Directors appointed 12/18 Heads of Service appointed Organisation Design process for structures beneath HoS underway 9 staff have left under RPA Staff Severance Scheme
Corporate Plan Priorities
The short, medium and long term challenges …..
Strategic Goal of the Performance Culture Pillar Local Government will create an environment where, – individual, team and Council goals are aligned; – individuals will receive continuous development and feedback on performance and will be recognised for excellence in service delivery
The Performance Culture Toolkit
Stages of Building a Performance Culture Stage 1 CE and SMT Diagnostic identifying priority development areas Stage 2 Set up of the Performance Culture Implementation Team Stage 3 Implementation of the Performance Culture Implementation Model Stage 4 Evaluating the impact and capturing the learning
The Power of Teams Reference to Project Teams throughout the Toolkit Aim to involve stakeholders from as wide a field as possible Focus for activity – Either the whole model – Or prioritised areas Development opportunity – Subject area – Change Management Talent Management
STAGE 1: CE & SMT Diagnostic Checklist High level diagnostic checklist Covers the 5 key elements of the Performance Culture Model RAG scoring Provides a strategic current state analysis Indicates the priority areas for action Overview of where the Council is against Best Practice.
STAGE 2: Establishing the Project Team CriteriaActions to date Cross functional, cross cutting project team Participants identified by the SMT Letter of invitation from the Chief Executive Staff from across 3 areas Involvement of new Heads of Service Including trade union representatives Need for change communicated to staff CE discussed during staff roadshows Communicated through staff newsletter Project Communications Plan Clear Governance Processes SMT Steering Group Project Sponsor, Chair and Project Manager appointed Clear Terms of Reference and Scope Structured project management approach and paperwork Regular reporting on progress Approvals to proceed to each stage of implementation
Improving the Chances of Success Evaluating the impact of change and capturing the learning Visioning the change – creating and taking the decisions Managing the existing business CHA Diagnosing Change Launching Change Evaluating the impact of change and capturing the Learning Communicate, Communicate, Communicate Building Options for Change Making Change Happen
STAGE 3: Implementation of the Model Diagnostic checklists for each of the 5 key elements within the model a step by step guide to put in place the key elements. Tools and techniques – best practice ways to implement effectively.
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