Finding pictures on the internet Flickr is an excellent resource for images. Flickr They have two areas of special interest for high school groups, as you'll be able to use the images for free: Creative Commons offers pictures through a variety of licenses (the Attribution license, for example, requires credit to the photographer). Some of the photos must be used as is, some can be altered. Creative Commons All of the photos in The Commons are in the public domain.The Commons
Journal 8/18/15 Remember you want an image, not a production photo! Meet with your play script group. Brainstorm key words and themes of your play. Write down five key words together as a group and five keywords of your own. Consider: What is the theme? What is the tone? What imagery was found in your text? Who is the play about? What is the play about? Begin your image search. On your own: Reflect. Was your search successful? Why or why not? Five sentence minimum.
How to Make Your Own Advertising Posters As a group, read through the supplied article. As an individual, write down the steps. Refer to these steps as you begin to design your poster. Begin designing your poster. Feel free to use Word, PowerPoint, pixlr, Photoshop, etc. How to Make Your Own Advertising Posters