How would you define Improv? Improv is – the portrayal of a character or a scene without rehearsal or preparation. You make up the character, lines and actions as you go along without a formal script. It emphasizes creativity and imagination. It focuses on natural action and reaction. You do not have the advantage or disadvantage of knowing what will come next.
Who are some famous improv artists? Robin Williams Wayne Brady Ryan Stiles Colin Mockery
Whose Line World's Worst Whose Line bank robber Whose Line Songs
1. Imagination – the key to improvisation. 2. You must learn to say the most with the least. (You must convey personality and physical traits, conflicts and desires, age and dress with a minimum of aids) 3. Spontaneity in each performance is a challenge to the actor and the pleasure of the audience. 4. It requires a great deal of collaboration and trust.
“Illusion of the first time” – making the audience feel that each performance is the first. The most important factor to execution of lines or actions is timing. Actors strive for a fresh natural timing. It seems more believable. Listen carefully and respond to your partners. Show, rather than tell, how you feel.
Character Centred – a character or group of characters who face several different situations. Situation Centred – takes a single situation and places a number of characters in the situation to show how different personalities respond to similar situations. The Mirror Activity p.10
Definition: natural response to stimuli – thoughts, actions, what they see, hear, smell… 1. You experience the stimulus 2. Respond instinctively to it (initial response) 3. The idea connects. (your brain registers the stimulus) 4. Reflex action (jerking your head back, making a sound, body moves,) 5. You react vocally and/or physically with your main response. This whole process may be completed in less than one second.
Do activity on page 14. Do activity #3 on page 20.
Visualize your character in detail and try to feel his or her emotions. ASK: Who am I? What kind of person am I? How am I different from other characters? How do I speak? How do I act? You can develop a character from a gesture, a voice, an expression, a piece of clothing… Before you start your performance take on the physical attitude of your character. (get into character)
Do…Don’t… 1.Quickly establish your character in your mind. (age, physical and mental traits) 2.Identify the problem or situation facing your character. 3.React spontaneously to what is said and done. 4.See things through the eyes of your character. 5.Listen to and observe what others are saying and doing. 6.Play your scene from moment to moment. 7.Say or do things that demand a response. 1.Deny things your partner says about you or the situation. (unless you are wanting to argue) 2.Avoid terminal questions. (ones that are simply yes or no. 3.Explain situations or feelings. If you are happy show it. If you are afraid show it.
Do #2 and #3 on 17 Do activity #1 on page 20. Party hosting activities. party quirks party quirks Physical Irritation Script assignment. Physical Irritation Script Handout Physical Irritation Script Handout