Land and Atmosphere Capability for EOS (LANCE) User Working Group Meeting Kevin Murphy LANCE User Working Group Meeting February 7-8, Washington D.C. 1/31/ NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project The ESDIS Project is responsible for the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS), one of the largest civilian Science Information Systems in the world The EOSDIS: Ingests, processes, archives (~2.9 TB/day) and distributes (>13 TB/day) science data for NASA’s flagship Earth science missions Supports unique requirements of a variety of Earth science disciplines (e.g., land, atmosphere, snow/ice, and ocean) as well as inter-disciplinary researchers, climate modelers, and application users (e.g., U.S. Forest Service) Employs state-of-the-art hardware and software technology to achieve required data throughput 1/31/ NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C.
EOSDIS Facilities 1/31/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 3 Data centers, collocated with centers of science discipline expertise, archive and distribute standard data products produced by Science Investigator-led Processing Systems (SIPSs) ASF DAAC SAR Products Sea Ice, Polar Processes SEDAC Human Interactions in Global Change LP DAAC Land Processes & Features PO.DAAC Ocean Circulation Air-Sea Interactions ASDC Radiation Budget, Clouds, Aerosols, Tropo Chemistry ORNL DAAC Biogeochemical Dynamics, EOS Land Validation GES DISC Atmos Composition & Dynamics, Global Modeling, Hydrology, Radiance LAADS/ MODAPS Atmosphere OBPG Ocean Biology & Biogeochemistry GHRC Hydrological Cycle & Severe Weather CDDIS Crustal Dynamics Solid Earth NCAR, U of Col. HIRDLS, MOPITT, SORCE GSFC GLAS, MODIS, OMI, OBPG LaRC CERES, SAGE III GHRC AMSR-E, LIS JPL MLS, TES San Diego ACRIM NSIDC DAAC Cryosphere, Polar Processes SIPSs Key Data Center
LANCE – A Component of EOSDIS The Land Atmospheres Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) is a component of EOSDIS that generates and distributes near real-time products from 5 instruments: –AIRS (Aqua) and MLS (Aura) –MODIS (Aqua and Terra) –OMI (Aura) –AMSR-E (Aqua) – Evaluation ongoing LANCE Objectives: –Leverage science processing expertise to create high quality NRT products –To provide Aqua, Terra, and Aura data to applications community with a maximum latency of 3 hours from observation (The standard, science-quality products are typically available with a latency of hours) –To provide data products with high reliability using redundant systems –To provide an umbrella environment with uniform high level requirements to better serve user needs (Consistency, Collaboration, Coordination) –To focus LANCE services and enhancements to facilitate applications with demonstrated users 1/31/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 4
Product Availability All data products are freely available following self registration through FTP and HTTP servers Both data and imagery are available Latency requirements necessitate relaxed ancillary data – in some cases there are differences between the near real-time and standard, science-quality data products U.S. and foreign Government agencies, universities and private industry are the primary application users –wildfires, floods, droughts, ash plumes, dust storms, and air quality. In excess of 1.3 TB of data products are distributed each day and approximately 40,000 images are downloaded weekly 1/31/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 5
LANCE Data Products 1/31/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 6 InstrumentProduct CategoriesAverage Latency AIRSRadiances, Temperature and Moisture Profiles, Clouds and Trace Gases 1.3 – 2.3 hours MLSOzone, Temperature1.3 – 2.3 hours MODISRadiances, Clouds/Aerosols, Water Vapor, Fire, Snow, Sea Ice, Land Surface Reflectance (LSR), Land Surface Temperature 1.5 – 2.3 hours excluding the L2G and L3 daily, tiled LSR products OMIOzone, Sulfur Dioxide, Aerosols, Cloud Top Pressure 1.6 – 2.8 hours excluding L3 products AMSR-E (Instrument malfunction – capability under evaluation) Brightness Temperature, Soil Moisture, Rain Rate, Ocean Products, Snow Water Equivalent, Sea Ice 1.3 – 2.2 hours excluding L3 products
Meeting Objectives User Working Groups are an essential component of EOSDIS –Assessing the efforts of the LANCE elements in the implementation of prior recommendations made by the UWG. –Providing an assessment of the quality of the services provided by the LANCE elements and a determination of the extent to which the products reflect the needs of the applications communities. –Suggesting modifications to existing product and services that will improve the degree to which LANCE meets the end user requirements –Reviewing the suggested enhancements that have been made for the LANCE elements by UWG members, ESDIS staff, the LANCE element’s staff, or the end users and developing recommendations for NASA HQ concerning which of these should potentially be implemented in the next 12 month interval. The UWG shall also recommend the priorities for implementation. –Identifying the possible evolution of the LANCE system on a 1-2 year timeframe. 1/31/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 7
Meeting Structure Day 1 –Morning and early afternoon will review current and planned activities providing background for afternoon session –Question and answer, UWG member feedback and discussion period –Dinner? Day 2 –Develop and prioritize recommendations for the coming year –Close meeting 1/31/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 8
Agenda Day 1 – February 7, 2012 ESDIS Reporting Session Objective: Review work accomplished over the past year and what is occurring within the current term. This information will provide information for the UWG discussion session in the afternoon. WelcomeK. Murphy (ESDIS)9.00 – 9.10 Program Managers PerspectiveM. Maiden (HQ)9.10 – 9.20 UWG Chairs PerspectiveC. Justice, Co-Chair (UMD)9.20 – 9.30 Applied Science PerspectiveB. Doorn (HQ)9.30 – 9.45 Action Status and AccomplishmentsK. Murphy (ESDIS)9.45 – Break10.30 – Interactions with sample LANCE UsersD. Davies (ESDIS)10.45 – EOSDIS Global Browse ToolsR. Boller (ESDIS)11.15 – LANCE EnhancementsK. Murphy (ESDIS)11.45 – Lunch12.15 – Future EDOS Ground System UpgradesT. Wood (EDOS)13.45 – FEMA’s Usage of NRT Data (New Member)C. Vaughan (DHS/FEMA)14.00 – Maryland DNR and NRT Data (New Member)M. Trice (MD DNR)14.15 – AMSR-E StatusH. Conover (ESDIS)14.30 – NPP Status and Data Policy re. LANCED. Wickland (HQ) & J. Gleason15.00 – Break15.30 – UWG Round Table Feedback SessionC. Justice (Co-Chair)15.45 – Objective: Solicit comments/presentations from the UWG providing feedback on i) the presented LANCE activities and ii) their experience in using LANCE, iii) ‘user community’ suggestions/priorities for LANCE enhancements. 1/31/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 9
Agenda Day 2 – February 8, 2012 Closed Door Feedback / Recommendations SessionC. Justice (Co-Chair)9.00 – LANCE Management and UWG discuss program progress, next steps and recommendations for the coming year. Break10.30 – Open Session Review of Action Items from the MeetingESDIS11.00 – Meeting Wrap UpC. Justice/M. Maiden11.30 – /31/2016NASA LANCE UWG Meeting - Washington D.C. 10