Family Goals Social-Emotional Development: Social: Reinforce respect and equality in his interactions with others Emotional: Understanding emotions are natural and teach how to properly deal with his emotions and actions Cognitive Development: Mathematics: Work on his progress with numbers Communication and language: Improve his speech and listening skills; working on them and showing him down to talk Reading and Literacy: Expand on love for books and encourage him to go out of his comfort zone Science and Inquiry: Applying his strong problem solving skills and curiosity to everyday situations Physical Development: Fine Motor: Learning the proper way to hold a pencil Gross Motor: Continue progress on gross motor skills
Teacher Goals Social-Emotional Development: Social: Building relationships with others through respect Emotional: To feel confident expressing his emotions to teachers and to other children Cognitive Development: Mathematics: To be able to write two- digit numbers Communication and language: To continue working on his speech and slowing down when speaking Reading and Literacy: To connect letters of the alphabet to the specific sounds they make Science and Inquiry: Apply problem solving skills to everyday situations Physical Development: Fine Motor: To properly hold a pencil using a tripod grasp Gross Motor: To continue progress on balancing
Fine Motor 10/1/14 During small group, William wrote his name on a picture he created. He demonstrated a palmar grasp using the thin marker. My goal for him was to be able to properly hold a writing utensil using a tripod grasp. Health and Physical Development Standard 3: Fine Motor Children engage in play and interesting experiences to develop fine (small) motor skills. Benchmark 4. Display strength and control while using a variety of manipulative materials including scissors, pencils, crayons, small toys, and connecting blocks.
Gross Motor 9/23/14 William found these bowls on the playground, put them in a line, and began balancing on them on his own. My goal for William was for him to continue his progress balancing with more practice. Health and Physical Development Standard 2: Gross Motor Children engage in play and movement to develop gross (large) motor skills. Benchmark 1. Participate in play and movement activities and describe how physical activity contributes to their overall health (“Exercise helps make me strong!”) 3. Demonstrate stability, flexibility, and balance by standing on one foot, turning, stretching, bending, rolling, balancing, stopping, jumping, and twisting.