IAQG Other Party Management Team (OPMT) - Report to the IAQG General Assembly San Diego, California – April 6, 2006 Rick Downs IAQG OPMT Chair
Principles (I) Purpose Purpose The IAQG Other Party Management Team is a Global, Industry-Controlled, Oversight Committee chartered to manage the Other Party Quality Management Schemes and assessment results performed by the Sector Management Structures (SMS) on the 9100-series standards. Goal Goal To improve the quality level andassure QMS implementationthroughout the whole supply chain. To improve the quality level and assure QMS implementation throughout the whole supply chain.
Principles (II) Other Party Scheme is based on: The use of identical or equivalent international, sector and national standards based on 9104The use of identical or equivalent international, sector and national standards based on 9104 An industry oversight system at international, sectorial and national levels to ensure that scheme’s requirements are fulfilledAn industry oversight system at international, sectorial and national levels to ensure that scheme’s requirements are fulfilled Auditors authenticated against identical requirementsAuditors authenticated against identical requirements All information related to the scheme is collected in the OASIS database(Online Aerospace Supplier Information System)All information related to the scheme is collected in the OASIS database(Online Aerospace Supplier Information System)
IAQG OPMT Members AAQG: Rick Downs – Textron/Cessna (Chair) Mike Gallagher – Lockheed Martin Tim Lee – Boeing APAQG:Shuji Komori – FHI Li Wei – AVIC 1 Tamaki Nishio- IHI EAQG: Gualtiero Arsento – Alenia (Vice Chair) Roland Bacher – Airbus Gerard Pleigneur - Safran SUB-TEAMS Documentation: Mike Roberts – Boeing Auditor Authentication and Training: Gualtiero Arsento - Alenia Surveillance: Tim Lee – Boeing OASIS: Hans Luijt – ASD EASE OP
Europe Gualtiero Arsento * Alenia Roland Bacher Airbus Gerard Pleigneur Safran Jean Louis Bounie Airbus Asia Pacific Shuji Komori * FHI Li Wei AVIC1 Tamaki Nishio IHI Michihiko Banno (alt.) FHIAmericas Rick Downs ** Cessna-Textron Mike Gallagher Lockheed-Martin Tim Lee * Boeing Mike Roberts (alt.) Boeing IAQG - OPMT IAQG 9104 Norbert Borzek TGA ** IAQG-OPMT Chair * Sector OPMT Leader Takafumi Osada JAB Randy Dougherty ANAB Francisco Losada AENOR Hans Liujt ASD EASE No assignment required Reg Blake BSI Jay Myers SAE Kazuki Kanai SJAC Voting Members IAF / AB Focals CB Focals Ind. Assoc & OASIS Focals
European Report All participating countries have now implemented Document QC no longer valid. Austria National CBMC is now in place Assessor’s training: Training package developed German training early June 2005: app.20 attendants End of June 2005 Toulouse: 28 attendants from France, Italy, Sweden and Netherlands Italy - developed 2-3 February 2006 (18 attendants) Spain and UK will organise training this year 80% of scheduled assessments completed in 2005
Americas Report RMC – Registrar Management Committee Tim Lee with the Boeing Company is the new RMC Chair 93% of scheduled oversight activities completed in 2005 Workshops based on opportunities for improvement identified from oversight activity are in development and scheduled for 3 rd quarter 2006 9104 standard fully deployed in Americas
Asia-Pacific Report APAQG preparing formalization of APAQG/RMC JRMC is fully operational and completed 100% of oversight activities SJAC9104 published in November, 2005 and is fully deployed CRMC established in January, 2006 Chinese national scheme in preparation Korean national scheme is under consideration
The International Trilogy Mgt of ICOP System Auditor Training & Qualification Surveillance & Oversight ICOP
Trilogy -- Status 9104: Globally harmonized standard defining the registration / accreditation process. Released in all three sectors. April 1 st 2005 implementation date.9104: Globally harmonized standard defining the registration / accreditation process. Released in all three sectors. April 1 st 2005 implementation date : Globally harmonized standard defining the surveillance and oversight processes. Final draft complete, expect publication 2 nd quarter : Globally harmonized standard defining the surveillance and oversight processes. Final draft complete, expect publication 2 nd quarter : Globally harmonized standard defining the auditor qualification and auditor training processes. Final draft complete, expect publication in 2 nd quarter : Globally harmonized standard defining the auditor qualification and auditor training processes. Final draft complete, expect publication in 2 nd quarter 2006 : After release of the trilogy, the international documentation team will begin the revision of AS9104A to be published as Target release is 2 nd quarter 2007.
Demographics NAB – National Accreditation Body CRB – Certification Registration Body National Schemes NAB’sCRB’sAuditors OASIS Supplier sites Americas1(1)3(3)40(38)353(340)3071(2433) Asia Pacific 1(1)1(1)4(4)14(14)203(141) Europe6(6)6(6)36(34)227(220)2035(1534) TOTALS8(8)10(10)80(76)584(580)5309(4108) White figures: San Diego status Yellow figures: Montreal status
l l Complaint process IAQG members are required to use 9104 complaint process when they identify systemic QMS findings Complaint process is clarified in l l Beginning Jan 2006 l l Certificates must be placed in OASIS as part of listing. l l All certificates must include a statement referencing 9104 l l Use of IAQG logo on certificates endorsed by IAQG Leadership Team – specific policy to be developed l l Integrated resolution log will be published through OASIS and on IAQG web site. New resolutions approved l l Use of Cross Frontier Policy for AB surveillance l l Re-certification guidelines after expiration of 9100/9110/9120 certificate l l Clarification of re-certification audit day calculation l l Clarification of certification of non-aerospace companies Other issues
l l OASIS Fee Structure OPMT recommends the fee structure remain the same for the next three years ($500 initial cert, $375 for re-cert) l l Recommended updates to OASIS endorsed by the OPMT – (Reference OASIS Report) l l Strongly endorse the proposed update to OASIS to separate Certification data from Assessment data. l l 9101 Rev C – 9100 Audit Checklist – Should be sent to sectors for publication in next 30 days. Other issues (cont)
Scheme management and monitoring is continuously improving (sectors coordination, standards harmonization, KPI’s, etc) Oversight plans are being executed The trilogy (documentation) is on track for completion in 2 nd quarter – this is an essential part of gaining authorities recognition of ICOP Summary