Williams Technology Middle School Magnet Theme Revision Academy for Gifted and Talented (AGT) January 11, 2016 Dr. Tammy Summerville Director, Magnet Programs Wendy Graham Gifted Services Coordinator
2 Williams Technology Middle School Will Be Host to the New Academy for Gifted and Talented (AGT) To fulfill requirements found on page 30 of the Consent Order “…The District will review and revise the Williams’ magnet curriculum to ensure that the magnet program is rigorous and unique and that it provides a foundation for students to matriculate to New Century Technology…During the school year…” Currently Williams is a MYP International Baccalaureate (IB) Candidate School Existing magnet theme: NASA’s BEST (Beginning Engineering Science and Technology) Last cohort of NASA’s BEST accepted for the school year First accepted cohort of Academy for Gifted and Talented August Academic Session (Rising 6 th grade students). 2
The Academy for Gifted and Talented (AGT) Will Meet Several Unique Requirements Designed for academically gifted students grades 6-8 Provides an intellectual, creative, rigorous, and collaborative environment for unique learners Meets social and emotional needs of gifted students Supports needs of gifted learners through integrated curriculum and problem-based projects in addition to acceleration, compacting, extended learning opportunities, field studies, mentorships, and inquiry based units of study built around student interest and strengths 3
4 Students clustered for content area studies Emphasis on developing 21 st Century Skills via integration of Technology and Design “Junior” focus of pathways to New Century High (Engineering, Bio- Medical Science, Computer Science) Real world opportunity to demonstrate learning each semester and end-of-year Learning Showcase Staffed by gifted certified teachers 4 The Academy for Gifted and Talented (AGT) Will Meet Several Unique Requirements
5 AGT ~ Academy for Gifted and Talented Proposed Start Date School Year Begin with a cohort of th grade students- August 2016 Target students- diverse group of identified gifted 5 th graders from area schools. Selection criteria: application, gifted identification, ACT Aspire scores, 3-4 Proficiency level on report card in core subject areas, teacher recommendation, and writing sample Review of application by a diverse committee Information/Application/Acceptance Timeline: January- March
6 AGT ~ Academy for Gifted and Talented Teacher Training and Proposed Teacher Schedule Teacher Qualifications: Gifted certification, highly qualified in content area, IB certification Teacher 1Teacher 2 Block 1 and 2: Math/Science (total time: 180 min.- self- contained) Block 3: Design/ Lunch (team teaching) Block 4: Teacher Planning/Collaboration Block 1 and 2: ELA/Social Studies (total time: 180 min.- self-contained) Block 3: Design/ Lunch (team teaching) Block 4: Teacher Planning/Collaboration A DayB Day Block 1 and 2: Math/Science (total time: 180 min.- self- contained) Block 3: Arts/Lunch Block 4: PE Block 1 and 2: ELA/Social Studies (total time: 180 min.- self-contained) Block 3: Design/ Lunch Block 4: Spanish Proposed Student A/B Schedule: Based on an A/B Schedule Allows for dedicated time to academics Self contained classroom settings Proposed Teacher Daily Schedule: Allows for dedicated time to academics Self contained classroom settings Allows teachers to Team Teach and Collaborate daily Provides adequate time for teachers to build relationships with all students within the cohort