MIG #2 How do IG’s get what they want?
Insider Strategy : using connections to influence gov. Lobbying Lobbyists – person who represents an IG who persuades gov to act in a way that helps their group Gain access & influence Provide technical information
Who uses lobbying? Groups with $$$ Groups who do not want public attention – tobacco companies, NRA
Campaign Contributions Another way to gain access is to donate money Who uses this tactic? $$$ NRA Unions, corporations
Lobbying the Courts Litigation – sue OR File Amicus Curiae briefs – briefs given to courts in cases where they are not directly involved EX: Handguns in DC – NRA files an amicus brief Influence who is nominated to ct.
Who uses this tactic? Groups use courts to change legislation that has already passed Often used to fight for the “minority” viewpoint or issues about one’s rights $$$ ACLU – Am Civil Liberties Union Sues to protect one’s freedoms NAACP: Brown v. Bd of Ed
Restrictions on Lobbying Lobbyists must register and disclose: Names of clients Income and how it’s spent Issues they work on Revolving Door: person who worked in gov begins working as a lobbyist, this leads to… Influence Peddling: using insider information from gov job to gain access or influence as a lobbyist
MIG #3 Cont’d, Quick Review 1.To litigate means to…. 2.Most interest groups are what type? 3.What is the number one goal of interest groups? 4.To lobby means to…. 5.Who might use litigation to influence gov?
Iron Triangles Group of an IG, Gov, and Agency that works together to get favorable policies – somewhat permanent
Issue Network Informal groups that come together to fix a problem – temporary Today, tobacco industry faces an issue network of American Cancer Society, AMA, Nurses, etc who will also want to be heard
Outsider Strategies: using support & pressure from public to influence policy Grassroots Lobbying: public pressure that shows how constituents feel HOW: letters, s, calls, protests, rallies, pickets, and VOTE!
How do they gain attention? Mass Media ($) Use TV and radio to broadcast commercials – create awareness and mobilize ppl Internet – websites include: Endorse candidates / positions form letters Rankings (grades) of Congress ppl GOTV
Who uses grassroots pressure? Issues/groups that have popular support – important to large #s of ppl May or may not have $ AARP Unions Environmental groups PETA
What strategy would these groups most likely use? 1.Teacher’s union wants to change the district leadership. 2.Congress wants to pass a law that will make it impossible for immigrants to get a driver’s license. This group is opposed. 3.A business that sells alcohol wants to decrease the drinking age to MADD wants to increase the drinking age to 21.