Introduction Is the current release of the Windows operating system, produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, tablets, and home theatre PCs. Development of Windows 8 started before the release of its predecessor in Its existence was first announced at CES 2011, and followed by the release of three pre-release versions from September 2011 to May The operating system was released to manufacturing on August 1, 2012, and was released for general availability on October 26, 2012.
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Analyse and explain technology features Support for both x86 PCs and ARM tablets Touch-centric, Tiles-based User Interface (UI) Charms Snap Multi-tasking Windows 8 Control Panel Web Navigation by Touch Two Touch Keyboards Enhanced Copy Experience" Native USB 3.0 Support Better Support for Multiple Monitors
Advantages Quick Boot Quick Shutdown Quick Boot to Internet ready Interface Quick Navigation
Disadvantages The main disadvantage is lies in the working, the system is reboot several times (especially for 30 min) No antivirus for the windows 8 only windows firewall and internet security Apps works only in the full monitor by occupying the full face of the monitor No side apps can be run will we are using the apps
System specifications for the Windows 8 technology Processor 1GHz or faster RAM 1GB (32bit) or 2GB (64bit) Hard disk space 16GB (32bit) or 20GB (64bit) Graphics card Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device or higher Windows 8: additional requirements To use touch A tablet or a monitor that supports multi-touch To access the Windows Store and to download and run apps An active internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels To snap apps A display with a resolution of at least 1366 x 768 pixels
Produce a clear summary of business expectations for the technology The next version of the world's most popular operating system will definitely be a major turning point in its history. Make it easy for business. More affordable and affective
Hackers and security firms are already going after the much hyped Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) Windows 8 operating system (OS). In addition, security firm Vupen is claiming it found "multiple vulnerabilities" in Windows 8 as well as Internet Explorer 10. The other scam offers the recipient a free version of Windows 8 if he visits a website. Instead of a Windows 8 download, the victim is led to a phishing site asking for personal information that can be sold in the underground market, the blog warned.
Summary The promise of a more secure operating system may be an enticing lure, but consumers aren't biting.
Recommendations Windows Consumer Preview release will let you to upgrade from Windows 7, and will run the integrated upgrade advisor and will tell you what things you need to look into. Keep in mind that there’s no way back after an upgrade installation, Microsoft recommends you to perform a system backup, before you upgrade, migrate, or clean install of Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Basically Windows 8 will perform well as per your requirements.