California Integrated Waste Management Board 1 Committee Items C-D (Board Items 2-3) November 5, 2007 Consideration Of: Item C/2: The Scope Of Work For The Environmental Services Contract Item D/3: The Scope Of Work For The Laboratory Services Contracts For Closed, Illegal and Abandoned Site Investigations and Laboratory Analytical Services (Solid Waste Disposal Trust Fund and Integrated Waste Management Account Fund, FYs 2007/2008, 2008/2009 And 2009/2010)
California Integrated Waste Management Board 2 Closed Illegal and Abandoned Site Program LEA Technical Assistance in Investigation of CIA Sites 14 CCR18083 (a) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Division 30, Parts 4 and 5, and 14 CCR Division 7, Chapters 3 and 5, 27 CCR, Division 2, Subdivision 1 (§20005 et seq.), and its EPP, the LEA/EA shall inspect and investigate…disposal sites…to verify compliance with the state minimum standards….for the protection of the environment and the public health.” 14 CCR18303 (a) The EA shall conduct investigations of allegations made to it as required by subsection (e) of Section or, if applicable, as required by its own equivalent complaint review and investigation initiation procedure as described in its board-approved EPP, and shall conduct investigations of all other disposal sites, facilities and operations where it has reason to believe violations exist. In addition, the EA shall conduct such periodic investigations as it deems necessary to insure compliance with all related state solid waste laws and regulations PRC The board shall, upon the request of the local enforcement agency, provide guidance to the enforcement agency regarding the inspection and investigation of illegal, abandoned, or inactive closed sites, to ensure that public health and safety and the environment are protected.
California Integrated Waste Management Board 3 Closed, Illegal and Abandoned Sites Environmental Services Contract Summary Objective –Support Program in performing environmental investigations to determine a sites conditions with respect to state minimum standards –Scope of Work in Attachment 1 (Item C/2) –Work Order-based contract Funding –FY 2007/08: $10K –FY 2008/09: $200K (IWMA/SWTF) –FY 2009/10: $90K –Not-to-exceed $300,000 Contract Term –Execute by June 2008 –Terminate May 2010
California Integrated Waste Management Board 4 Drilling & Gas Well Installations Environmental Services SOW Direct Push/Define Waste Limits & Waste Characteristics Trenching for Waste Extents/Characteristics Geophysical Surveys/ Non-intrusive Investigation Continuous Monitoring System Installation Support
California Integrated Waste Management Board 5 Clean-up, Closure & Financial Assurances Division Environmental Laboratory Services Contract Summary Objective –Support Program in performing analytical testing of soil, landfill gas and waste samples –Scopes of Work in Attachments 1 (Item D/3) –Work Order-based contracts Funding (each contract) –FY 2007/08: $5K (IWMA) –FY 2008/09: $75K (IWMA) –FY 2009/10: $70K (IWMA) –Not-to-exceed $150K Contract Term –Execute by April 2008 –Terminate May 2010
California Integrated Waste Management Board 6 Laboratory SOW Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) Certified Possess analytical equipment and qualified personnel to conduct EPA Test Methods, ASTM Test Methods for chemical and physical analysis of solids, liquids and gases Invitation for Bid Process: Provide unit cost per analysis
California Integrated Waste Management Board 7 Current Contract Status (All expire May 08) Environmental Services: IWM (Ninyo & Moore)$65,108 Laboratory Services: IWM (Creek Environmental)$90,955
California Integrated Waste Management Board 8 Conclusion Committee Items C-D (Board Items 2-3) November 5, 2007 Staff recommend the Board adopt Resolutions Nos (Item C/2 Environmental Services Contract) and Resolution Nos (Item D/3 Laboratory Services Contracts) to: –Approve the Scopes of Work to implement the Environmental Services Contract and Laboratory Services Contracts –Authorize staff to develop and advertise using RFQ and IFB processes and select contractors for presentation to the Board.