Analysing our avalanche data
Objectives Skills Objectives Apply maths to different subjects e.g. science, geography Play different roles in a team Communicate ideas Help others achieve their goals Practise the skills needed in STEM careers Learning Objectives Numeracy Measure to the nearest degree and nearest millimetre Level 5 Calculate area by counting squares Level 4 or by using the area of a circle Level 6 Draw a graph from a real life problem Level 6 Show understanding of situations by describing them mathematically using diagrams – Level 5 Interpret information presented in a variety of mathematical forms, relating findings to the original context. Level 6 Appreciate the difference between mathematical explanation and experimental evidence – Level 7
Introduction Who does this anyway? areer-interview-avalanche- researcher areer-interview-avalanche- researcher s2.htm s2.htm
What you have to do? If not completed last lesson, calculate the area in centimetre squares Produce graphs comparing different substances and whether they generated an avalanche.
Creating a graph
Roles in your group 1.Drawing graph of height 2.Drawing graph of area 3.Drawing graph of slope angle 4.Collecting data from other groups 5.Checking accuracy and presentation Together identify any information that suggests why some substances avalanche.
Plenary Draw a graph from a real life problem Level 6 Show understanding of situations by describing them mathematically using diagrams – Level 5 Interpret information presented in a variety of mathematical forms, relating findings to the original context. Level 6 Appreciate the difference between mathematical explanation and experimental evidence – Level 7
player/environment/environment-natural- disasters/avalanches/avalanches.html player/environment/environment-natural- disasters/avalanches/avalanches.html