Invasive, Endangered and Reintroduced Species of PA Alexis Gressly Pd.1
A species who’s population is declining; if the species is not saved then it faces extinction.
Habitat Desruction The Introduction of Foreign Species into their habitat Overexploitation Natural Causes Human Intervention
How can we prevent Endangerment? Control the pollution Limit Human Intervention Building dams, deforestation, testing on the plants and animals. Build National Parks so protect the animals/plants that are on the border of extinction.
Least Shrew Cryptotis parva Natural Predators kill the Least Shrew.
Indiana Bat Myotis sodalis The disturbance of their colonies by human interaction cause endangerment.
Delmarva Peninsula Fox Squirrel Sciurus niger cinereus The are on the endangered list because their historical population is diminishing
North Eastern Bulrush Scirpus ancistrochaetus Development of land and land practices endanger this species.
Small Whorled Pogonia Isotria medeoloides Urban expansion is destroying their habitats.
Invasive Species: Segment 2
What does this mean??? Native Species- a species that normally lives and thrives in a particular place. Introduced Species- a species that is accidentally brought into another ecosystem from human intervention. Invasive Species- a foreign species who, when introduced into an enviroment, could destroy it.
Most common ways invasive species get into our country Human Intervention Mortality and Natality rate Immigration Food Sources are abundant Hiding from a predator
Most common ways invasive species negatively affect our enviroment Eat the main food source(s) for that specific enviroment Bring in disease Kill off some other species intentionally Take up the space meant for the native species
Invasive Animal Species Spiny Water Flea Bythotrephes cederstroemi They mostly live in freshwater systems. They don’t really have a role in their environments. They do control the plankton population. They don’t cause many problems either.
Invasive Animal Species Red Eared- Slider Turtle Trachemys scripta elegans They inhabit in most freshwater systems like ponds and lakes. The turtles can be very aggressive toward mating with the native turtle species. They contribute to the environment by providing a food source for predators to survive and control the fish population.
Invasive Animal Species Sea Lamprey Petromyzon marinus They will would other fish because of the competiton for food and mating. Their natural environment is coastal and freshwater systems. They eat the native fish and decrease that population.
Invasive Plant Species Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria They inhabit disturbed and healthy wetland habitats. They can rapidly degrade wetlands making them diminish in size. Their role in the environment is that they can take over wetlands with speed.
Invasive Plant Species Hydrilla Hydrilla verticillata Their niche in the environment is that they compete for sunlight and may destroy plants in the process. They can also displace plants such as pondweeds and eelgrass. This is also a problem they pose. They live in freshwater and marine habitats.
Reintroduced Species Segment
Definition of Invasive and Reintroduced Species Invasive Species- a foreign species whose introduction into the specific environment is likely to cause environmental, economical, or human harm. Reintroduced Species- the deliberate release of a certain species into the wild in places inhabited by the native species
Example of Reintroduced Species Pennsylvania Elk population Their population had gone extinct in North America and commissioners had relocated them to many state including Pennsylvania. Reintroducing the population has helped their population return to stable number.
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