Arvind Balakumar Chaitanya Amin Akshay Desai University of Southern California Hardware Based Secure SCADA System For Distributed Power Generation And Control Arvind Balakumar Chaitanya Amin Akshay Desai
Smart Power Distribution Frequency Data
Smart Power Distribution Data
Motivation Attacker
Our System Hardware Based Secure SCADA System For Distributed Power Generation And Control
Frequency< F_optimum Power < Pmax Frequency< F_optimum Decrypt Increase Speed Intrusion Detected..! Provide Support to PS1 and Connect Tie Lines Data Decrypt HMI Power Station 2 Encrypt J.A.R.V.I.S Network Processor Attacker Archiver Power Station 1 Power < Pmax Frequency = F_optimum Load Balanced Decrypt Power < Pmax Frequency= F_optimum Data Data
Deep Packet Inspection..!! Yay!! Packet is safe Input Queues IDS Intrusion Detection System Decrypt Processing & Data Logging Encrypt Output Queues
Data Processing & Decision Making Input Queues IDS Decrypt Data Processing & Decision Making Encrypt Output Queues
Data Memory Crypto Engine Instruction Memory Control Logic Data Data PC 1 PC 2 Control Logic Opcode Branch Thread Scheduler Jump Zero Data ALU Data Register File Data Memory qef Data Instruction Memory qwedq Data IncomingPacket Sign Ext Crypto Engine Power = 10MW Freq. = 60Hz Decrypting qef qwedq bwrg qwmm
Data Processing & Decision Making Input Queues IDS Decrypt Data Processing & Decision Making Encrypt Output Queues
Data Memory Crypto Engine Instruction Memory Control Logic Header PC 1 PC 2 Count Count Control Logic Opcode Control Control SW Compare Branch Thread Scheduler Jump Zero rs rs T1 T2 ALU Register File Data Memory #rs #rs Header Instruction Memory Instruction Instruction Freq. = 60Hz Power = 10MW Power = 10MW Speed++ rt rt Power = 10MW #rt #rt Speed ++ Sign Ext Crypto Engine
Frequency < Optimum Speed++ Power <= Max Frequency = Optimum No Change ENCRYPT Data Memory Header Freq. = 50Hz Power < Max Frequency < Optimum Speed++ Power = 10MW Speed ++ Activate Power Station2 Power = Max Frequency <Optimum
Data Processing & Decision Making Input Queues IDS Decrypt Data Processing & Decision Making Encrypt Output Queues
Frequency< F_optimum Power < Pmax Frequency< F_optimum Decrypt Increase Speed Intrusion Detected..! Provide Support to PS1 and Connect Tie Lines Data Decrypt Load Balancing HMI Power Station 2 Encrypt Attacker Archiver Power Station 1 Power < Pmax Frequency = F_optimum Load Balanced Decrypt Power < Pmax Frequency= F_optimum Data Data
(PowerLogic by Schneider Electric) Comparison with existing SCADA Software Parameters (PowerLogic by Schneider Electric) Our System Security Vulnerable to malware and virus attacks Secure system-IDS, Exchange of encrypted data Latency High due to software overhead when security features are included Low latency even with sophesticated security measures Human Intervention Human intervention is required most of the time Major redundant decisions are taken by the processor Flexibility Designed to accommodate modifications to the system allowing users to enhance performance Less flexible as a final product as the hardware cannot be re-configured
Snapshots of Implementation Data
Snapshots of Real Time Graphs Data
References ï S. Ganapathy and T. Wolf, “Design of a network service architecture,” in Proc. of Sixteenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), Honolulu, HI, Aug. 2007, pp. 754–759. ï T. Wolf, “Challenges and applications for network-processor-based programmable routers,” in Proc. of IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, NJ, Mar. 2006. ï Bonnie Zhu and Shankar Sastry, “SCADA-specific Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems: A Survey and Taxonomy” ï Balancing and Frequency Control - A Technical document prepared by the NERC Resources subcommittee. ï Niv Goldenberg, Avishai Wool, School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 69978, Israel, “Accurate modeling of Modbus/TCP for intrusion detection in SCADA systems”, ELSEVEIR - International Journal For Critical Infrastructure Protection 2013 ï Y. Yang, K. McLaughlin, S. Sezer et al, “Multiattribute SCADA-Specific Intrusion Detection System for Power Networks” IEEE Transactions On Power Delivery, Vol. 29, No. 3, June 2014 Data
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