Hueneme Elementary School District Staff Development Day #3 Common Core State Standards Mathematics
Rigorous Curriculum Design Larry Ainsworth Video:
A Big Round of Applause….. CCSS Math Writing Team Ana Gonzalez (K) Evelyn Jimenez (K) Kathy Aguilar (1) Patty Garcy (1) Lisa Wallet (2) Maggie Taylor (2) Conrad Saturnino (2) Peter Frank (3) Courtney Fitzgerald (3) Mariana Cabrera (4) Ana Hinojosa (4) Vince Gomez (4) Julie Sanchez (5) Andy Hoerer (5) Veronica Mojica (6) Valerie Carey (6) Melinda Cheresnowsky (6)
Jason Zimba
How were the math standards developed ? Key Dates 1996: Achieve, Inc. founded by the nation’s governors and corporate leaders. 2004: Report titled Ready or Not: Creating a High School Diploma That Counts is published. 2009: National Governor’s Association convene a group of educators to work on developing the standards.
O Provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. O The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers.
The Common Core State Standards are: Built on progressions: narrative documents describing the progression of a topic across a number of grade levels. Informed by: 1. Research on children’s cognitive development 2. Logical structure of mathematics 3. Teacher input
Professor William McCallum P9KQdhE0U&list=PLD7F4C7DE7CB3D2E6
On Your Own or Collaboratively Explore the standards for your grade level (with related tasks) Website: Illustrative Mathematics Link:
8 Standards of Mathematical Practice
On Your Own or Collaboratively Watch and Discuss: Classroom Videos of Exemplary Lessons
On your own or collaboratively HESD CCSS Website Staff Development Day #3 Page Toolbox for Mathematics