Building Teams to Integrate Technology into Literacy Instruction---Carl Walker---University of Phoenix Building Teams to Integrate Technology into Literacy Instruction Why do this? Why do this? For years, the classroom teacher has been responsible for teaching young students to read and write. Why enlist the help of teams now? For years, the classroom teacher has been responsible for teaching young students to read and write. Why enlist the help of teams now?
Building Teams to Integrate Technology into Literacy Instruction---Carl Walker---University of Phoenix Why use teams? Changing Nature of Literacy Changing Nature of Literacy –Information and communication technology redefining literacy Complexity of the Problem Complexity of the Problem –No one person can keep up with new technologies for literacy instruction Early Adoption Early Adoption –Team members become proponents of integration
Building Teams to Integrate Technology into Literacy Instruction---Carl Walker---University of Phoenix Membership A heterogeneous mix of personalities, opinions, abilities, and perspectives, allows the team to complete its task effectively. A heterogeneous mix of personalities, opinions, abilities, and perspectives, allows the team to complete its task effectively. Technologists Technologists Master and novice teachers Master and novice teachers Specialists Specialists Parents Parents Community members Community members
Building Teams to Integrate Technology into Literacy Instruction---Carl Walker---University of Phoenix Planning Goal Goal –Enlisting the aid of staff, family and community Team Contract Team Contract –Explicit operating norms Action Plan Action Plan –Necessary steps –Objectives –Deadlines –Responsible Parties
Building Teams to Integrate Technology into Literacy Instruction---Carl Walker---University of Phoenix Launching Several years of classroom computer use required to produce measurable results Several years of classroom computer use required to produce measurable results Support of Administration Support of Administration Teams must Teams must –Identify problems –Gather information –Solve problems –Communicate solutions
Building Teams to Integrate Technology into Literacy Instruction---Carl Walker---University of Phoenix Evaluating Journals Journals –Personal and group –Observations, accomplishments, conflicts –Review to brainstorm strategies Portfolio Portfolio –Classroom and administrative products –Review, evaluate, improve
Building Teams to Integrate Technology into Literacy Instruction---Carl Walker---University of Phoenix Building Teams to Integrate Technology into Literacy Instruction For students to be successful in our information age, we must prepare them to be literate users of information & communication technology. For students to be successful in our information age, we must prepare them to be literate users of information & communication technology.