SAI WAN: FUTURE IN FLUX Nestled between Central Hong Kong and Kennedy Town, Sai Wan is a district that straddles the past and the future. One of the city’s oldest local districts, Sai Wan has retained a great deal of its heritage over the last century, even as the rest of Hong Kong has transformed greatly. Today, the mixed-use neighbourhood is home to a diverse community of residential, commercial, and HK University neighbours, on a mixed-terrain, harbourside urban grid anchored by primary thoroughfares Queens Road West, Des Voeux Road West, Hill Road, and Kennedy Town Praya.
SAI WAN: FUTURE IN FLUX Sai Wan’s current urban grid was borne of a crisis over 100 years ago. Appalling living conditions and sanitation in the area in the late 19 th century resulted in a deadly outbreak of the plague, which in turn resulted in wide scale demolition and relocation of residents. This disruption prompted Hong Kong’s first large scale attempt at urban planning in the form of Sai Wan’s grid pattern of streets.
2014 brings more change. The intense development of Central and Sheung Wan districts – and the ensuing increasing rents – has pushed more and more residents and small businesses westward toward Sai Wan. The recent opening of the Sai Ying Pun escalator, and the June 2014 extension of the MTR West Island Line shall have a profound impact on the fabric of Sai Wan, for better or worse. SAI WAN: NEW OPPORTUNITIES, NEW RISKS
WE WANT TO ASK YOU What is your 20-year vision for Sai Wan? What urban design choices must be made today in order to achieve that vision? Who wins, who loses?
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS Beautiful Sai Wan and XXX Gallery invite interested design teams to take part in an urban design competition, focused on the sustainable evolution of Hong Kong’s Sai Wan district. The objective of this competition is to bring attention to this unique moment in Sai Wan’s history, spark further public discussion into urban planning choices being made today, and advocate for responsible and sustainable development.
GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPE Participants are asked to focus on the geographical scope described below:
SUBMISSION FORMAT Successful submissions shall focus largely on holistic urban design / masterplanning decisions for Sai Wan district and must propose solutions that could be feasibly implemented. Successful submissions shall also address change management issues relating to any existing infrastructure that is impacted by the design. Submissions may take any media format, for example: 1-2 A0 art boards, or One 3-5 mins audio/visual recording
NEIGHBOURHOOD CONSULTATION A public questionnaire is being conducted in Nov 2013, gathering input from local residents of the Sai Wan district. The results of this questionnaire may be found in subsequent tranches, in summary format on the competition website: Participants are expected to take into account the results of this neighbourhood consultation in developing their submission.
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA This will be a single stage competition. All submissions will be assessed according to the following criteria: 1.Heritage preservation 2.Sustainable economic development 3.Environmental sustainability 4.Design creativity and innovation 5.Social / cultural contribution 6.Implementation feasibility
ELIGIBILITY The competition is open to all interested designers or design teams – for example: architects, urban designers, urban planners, artists, or other related professionals. Submissions from non-professional parties (for example design students, etc) will also be accepted and assessed separately from professional submissions.
JURY PANEL Submission entries shall be anonymously adjudicated by a jury panel, whose constitution shall be publicized in 2013 Q4.
SCHEDULE DateEvent 25 Nov 2013Registration opens 9 Dec 2013Closing date for competition enquiries 16 Dec 2013Registration closes 17 Jan 2014Closing date for submission of entries Mid Jan 2014Assessment of submissions 31 Jan 2014Announcement of competition winners 31 Jan – 15 Feb 2014Public presentation road show of winning submissions Feb – Mar 2014Public advocacy
PRIZES AND RESULTS Three winning entries, and up to three commendation entries shall be selected. Participants of winning and commendation entries shall be notified directly. One (1) Winning entry TBA Feature presentation during Jan-Feb 2014 roadshow Two (2) Runner-up entries TBA Entry presented during 31 Jan 2014 event (Up to 3) Commendation entries Prize certificate
REGISTRATION AND ENQUIRIES Interested parties shall first register for the competition before 16 Dec 2013 (12noon HKT), by submitting a signed copy of the duly completed and signed Competition Registration Form which can be found on the competition website: Interested parties may seek clarifications or make enquiries before 9 Dec 2013 (12noon HKT), by contacting the administrator on the following address:
ABOUT THE SPONSORS Beautiful Sai Wan is a grassroots community-based organisation promoting the heritage and beauty of Sai Wan and neighbouring districts on Western Hong Kong Island.
ABOUT THE SPONSORS Based in Sai Wan, XXX Gallery is Hong Kong’s truest underground art venue, encouraging: New art New music New interactions
ABOUT THE SPONSORS ChowPourianLab is the Hong Kong-based design duo of Sonia Chow and Huschang Pourian. Their portfolio spans multiple disciplines – including communication design, fashion, illustration, textiles, jewellery, lighting and furniture – and more than fifteen years of international experience with assignments in Canada, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Hong Kong and Japan.
ABOUT THE SPONSORS Invest Sai Wan is a community- based organisation promoting the economic development of Sai Wan and neighbouring districts on Western Hong Kong Island.