By Alberto Guevara STaR Chart for Hidalgo H.S.
How can we use the Texas campus STaR Chart? To create and/or update the district’s technology plan To measure students and teacher proficiencies in regard to the integration of technology into all content areas. To determine funding priorities.
STaR Chart Summary Decrease
Teaching and Learning
Educator preparation & Development (EP)
Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support (L) Decrease
Decrease (Why) L1- Leadership and vision Increase in campus staff and faculty. Campus leadership develops a shared vision. L4- Communication and Collaboration New staff not familiar with technology for communication.
Infrastructure for Technology (INF) Decrease
Decrease (Why) INF1- Students per computers Increase in the numbers of students at campus INF6- Distance Learning Capacity New staff not familiar with technology for communication.
References Information retrieved from: Texas Education Agency. (n.d.). Star chart. Retrieved February 16, 2010, from