EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA EJU Referees Overview referees 40 women 233 men 89 International referees 184 Continental referees
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA EJU Referees at IJF examination outside of Europe KOREA 12/08 and CUBA 4/09 A.Santella FRA, A.Totikashvili GEO D.Sotiropoulos GRE, C.Raimondi ITA, M.Filimon MDA, I.Babiuc ROU, P.Drid SRB, E.Down GBR
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA EJU Referees Overview 2009 All referees 273 Women 40 Men 233
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA EJU Referees Overview 2009 All Referees Internat.Ref. Contin.Ref.
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA EJU Referees Overview 2009 Classification Group S : 60 (31 countries) Group J : 111 Group C : 49 no classification : 53
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA The best with the best : The reduction of players in important events with the emphasis on high quality will be matched with a reduced number of referees, but a continued assurance of high quality.
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA The EJU Refereeing Commission nominated the referees according the valid classification: - European Championship seniors : 8 referees per mat
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA The EJU Refereeing Commission nominated the referees for WC Rotterdam / NED according the quota of the IJF : AJU 5 referees JUA 8 referees PJU 8 referees EJU 9 +1 referees OJU 2 referees
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA EC seniors Tbilisi / GEO Distribution of scores 303 contests 171 Ippon 38 Waza-ari 48 Yuko
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA EC seniors Tbilisi / GEO Distribution of scores in medal fights All medal fights Ippon Waza-ari Yuko
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA EC seniors Tbilisi / GEO Distribution of penalties all contests by penalty Hansoku-make
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA EC seniors Tbilisi / GEO Number of Golden Scores all contests Golden score thereof Hantei
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 IJF Rules 2009
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA IJF Rules 2009 Explanation
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA Amendments of IJF-Rules After the test at the WC Juniors in Bangkok / THA The following changings will be effectiv from 1st January 2009
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA The numbers of scores will be reduced to : YUKO WAZA-ARI IPPON
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA Timing in Osaekomi-Waza : 15 sec = Yuko 20 sec = Waza-Ari 25 sec = Ippon
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA Scale of Penalties: 1.Shido = free warning !!! 2.Shido = Yuko for the opponent 3.Shido = Waza-Ari for the opponent 4.Shido = Ippon for the opponent (The fourth Shido obviously means Hansoku- make )
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA Golden Score : The Golden Score time will be reduced to 3 minutes only. 1.Shido = free warning only, no winning score.
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA Border Line – Rules : All the actions are valid and may continue (no Mate ) as long as either contestant has some part of his body touching the contest area. (Similar criteria than in Ne-Waza)
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA EXCESSIVE DEFENSIVE POSTURE The „blue“ contestant has an excessive defensive posture. The „white“ contestant can`t make an attack
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA GRASP OF TROUSER The „white“ contestant takes hold of the Trouser leg with a hand to block or attack.
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA FALSE ATTACK A – sutemi : The „white“contestant is negative,he falls on the back without unbalancing the „blue“ contestant.There is no action or intention of projection
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA FALSE ATTACK B – with the knee The „blue“ contestant is negativ, he falls to knees, without unbalancing or technical intention of projection of the „white“ contestant.
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA KUMI-KATA A – Refusal of Kumi-Kata grasp The „blue“ contestant is positive, he seeks the grasp. The „white“ is Negativ, he prevents the grasp.
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA B – Blocking by Kumi-Kata with repulsing The „blue contestant pushes with his arms in a blocking position and pre- vents the „white“ contestant attack
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA C –Blocking by Kumi-Kata with crushing The „blue“ contestant is negativ, his grasp blocks the „white“ con- testant by crushing to pre- vent his attack.
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA Matte ?
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA Matte ?
EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA Matte ? EJU Refereeing Seminar 2009 CHISINAU / MDA