GMS Welcome to 7 th Grade!
SCHEDULE Doors to GMS open at 7:00 am; Breakfast begins at 7:15. You are dismissed from the Commons about 7:32. Period 1-27:40 - 9:15 Period 3-49:20 – 10:55 (related arts) Period 5-611:00 - 1:00 Lunch12:20 – 1:00 Period 7-81:05 - 2:40 Lockers2:32-2:37
CELL PHONE POLICY At GMS, cell phones and other personal electronic devices must be turned off and stored in the student’s backpack, purse, or other type of bag. It must remain locked in the student’s locker during school hours. Any cell phone taken up will be locked Mr. Salyer’s office for 7 days. You can get it back early if your parents come to school and pay a $20 fine. Repeat offenders face additional consequences.
DRESS CODE First, you’ve grown! Don’t assume last year’s clothes will pass this year. All shirts must cover stomach and back when sitting. Shirts can’t be low-cut or revealing. The shoulder strap must be the width of a credit card ~ about 3 inches. Shirts can’t have the sides cut out of them even if there is a tank top or undershirt under it. No hats, caps, visors, headbands (athletic syles), bandanas, combs, picks, or miscellaneous head coverings. No sunglasses inside the building.
DRESS CODE Pants must be worn at the waist. If pants are “sagging”, the student will be asked to use a belt or possibly get clothes from home. No holes, rips, tears above knees. No obscene, offensive, tasteless, sexual innuendo, suggestive signs or symbols on clothing. Shorts and skirts NO SHORTER than 3 inches above the knee. Shoes must be worn at all times. No chains or collars on neck, wrists, waist, or attached to wallets. No piercings other than ears. No trench coats, pajamas, or house shoes.
ETC. No weapons…obviously. No tobacco, alcohol, or drugs…obviously. Don’t share your locker combination with anyone. If you are sick, the clinic is available. Don’t abuse it. Guidance: You need an appointment to see Mr. Bill. Please either see him or let a teacher know and we will take care of it. Promise. Technology: Don’t abuse it. Be responsible and mature. Moment of Silence is that….SILENCE.
DISCIPLINE FOR There are no lunch detentions this year. Any behavior problems will be issued a discipline referral. This includes, but is not limited to: tardy to class, disrespect, refusal to work, throwing items in class, language, not turning in work, disrupting class, etc. Mrs. Laws will record all discipline referrals. On the THIRD referral, parents will be contacted by either a teacher, Mr. Salyer, or Mrs. Boegemann. On the FOURTH referral, AN AFTER SCHOOL DETENTION WILL BE GIVEN.
DISCIPLINE FOR On the FIFTH referral, a parent/guardian must bring the student to school and meet with administrators and/or guidance before the student is allowed back to class. Beyond the fifth referral, consequences will be decided by the administration of GMS. Possible consequences may include after school detention, exemptions from after-school activities (sports, clubs, etc.), suspension and ALP.
DISCIPLINE FOR If a student poses a threat to the classroom, he or she will be removed immediately. An office referral will be issued after the safety of the classroom is addressed. In the event of fighting, thefts, threats, or other highly disruptive behavior, the administration reserves the right to bypass the referral system.
DISCIPLINE POINT SYSTEM FOR TRIP(S) 3 rd office referral = 1 point 4 th office referral = 2 points 5 th office referral = 3 points All referrals past 5 th = 4 points So what that means is = 10 Any student accumulating 10 points (after the 5 th referral) will not be allowed to go on the trip.
TARDIES You may be tardy to first period (homeroom) a total of five times. After the fifth tardy, you will receive an after school detention. After 10 tardies to first period, a parent must bring the student to school before the student will be admitted into class. An after school detention will be given for every five tardies after the 10 th and a parent must come in with the student. Students may also be sent to court for tardiness.
TARDIES You may be tardy to class 3 times in a 9 weeks. After the 3 rd tardy, you will be given an office referral. These start over each 9 weeks. After School Detention: Tuesday and Thursday, 2:45-4:00. Must sit quietly and complete academic work. Parents must provide ride home; There is no bus for detention.
AFTER SCHOOL ENRICHMENT There will be after school enrichment available if you need help with your academic work. THIS IS NOT PUNISHMENT! What it means is you care enough about yourself to put forth the extra effort to make sure you do well. Teachers are available to help you with your work. More information will be announced.
DEVIL DOLLARS We are continuing these this year! Devil Dollars are earned for things such as showing respect toward others and yourself, helping a classmate, and being a productive member of GMS. There will be rewards for these, so start working toward that TODAY!
WHO AM I? Originally from New York, moved to Tennessee from Georgia this summer. Attended the University of Georgia (undergrad), GO DAWGS!!! Attended Georgia State University (Graduate School). 2 dogs, 1 niece.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES 3 Expectations Be Respectful Be Prepared Be Accountable
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Come into class and be ready to start! Be in your seat when it is the official start time of class. Sharpen pencil before class. Make sure you have supplies before you come into class. I will be tracking behavior using ClassDojo and will be giving Devil Dollars as rewards.ClassDojo
HOMEWORK/ASSIGNMENTS Homework: Homework will probably look different this year. It’s about QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY. Homework is expected to be turned in on the date due. If you turn it in one day late, the highest grade you can receive is a 70%. Any work turned in after this will be given a grade of 0%. If you chose not do the assignment then you will be given a pink slip to fill out. If you are sick or have an excused absence, you will have the appropriate amount of time to complete the assignment.
ABSENCES If you miss class for any reason, it is YOUR responsibility to see me for the missing assignment. All work will be in folders by class period. These folders are on the table beneath the Math News bulletin board, but you may need materials to complete the assignment. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT EARN A ZERO FOR THIS REASON!
COMMUNICATION There are several ways for you or your parents to contact me. Remind 101: to to subscribe to group (parents and students) ClassDojo: The paper has all the info you need to sign up and log in to monitor your progress.
GRADING Grading Scale A 85-92B 75-84C 70-74D Below 69F
GRADING Grade Weights Tests = 50% Lab = 25% Quiz/Projects = 15% Independent Practice = 10%
SHEW! Questions??????