COLA and the International Climate Community Antonio D. Moura INMET, Brazil at COLA’s 20th anniversary Symposium
Shukla’s early attempts with the ‘international Community’: A slide show of Indira Gandhi participation at India’s national holiday festival (1973) (Shukla, Fung, Sarachik, Moura,... accompanied by a bottle of vodka) after Shukla came back from a climate meeting in Leningrade with Charney (at MIT’s student center) and... our lunch gathering with Claudio Tebaldi Recollection of Major International Collaboration
Shukla’s study on predictability of monthly averages GATE and FGGE - WCRP steering and participation TOGA and T-POP - birth of the IRI GrADS - Brian Dotty Indian Centre for Medium Range Weather Prediction INPE/CPTEC - COLA model (adapted version) Recollection of Major International Collaboration
ICTP - Association with Nobel Prize winner Abdus Salam … and TWAS..... earger to reach out and help LDC countries... Recollection of Major International Collaboration
ICTP - Association with Nobel Prize winner Abdus Salam Late 1980’s and early 1990’s ICS/ICTP tentative establishment of a `Climate Laboratory’ to enhance capacity in LDC countries. TWAS – Membership and association with the Third Word Academy of Sciences COPES – WCRP/JSC with Hoskins and colleagues … (Coordinated Observation and Prediction of the Earth System).. towards … GEOSS??? … Recollection of Major International Collaboration
Bulletin of Long-lead Experimental Climate Forecasts Advisors (and colleague) of many well know international scientists (Brazil, India, Italy,...) COLA products used daily at INMET and many centers in South America, in addition to GrADS: COLA 5-day and 10-day average fields Recollection of Major International Collaboration
IGES as an umbrella for housing centers and research activities in climate predictability, modeling studies,... and... to work towards applications... (early attempt with CARE) High school in India... The children of Gandhi (noted in the New York Times) Recollection of Major International Collaboration
COLA and IGES, of course, could not do as well if it were not for the great scientists Shukla was able (with his persuasive and convincing capacity) to attract well known and promising names, such as: Schneider, Kinter, Straus, Kirtman, Dirmeyer, Paolino, Schopf, Marx, Fennessy, Krishnamurthy, Doty, Huang… (many more) … and recently, Misra … Recollection of Major International Collaboration
Thank you for the opportunity to be here today for COLA’s 20th celebration I wish COLA to continue to have a great future! Recollection of Major International Collaboration