How to Write an Introductory Paragraph
What is an introductory paragraph? An intro paragraph should be short and to the point Gives your audience a concise idea of what they will learn You do not get to the “meat” of the essay
Introductory paragraphs should do three things: Briefly introduce the topic (Attention Getter) Provide background information Clearly state your position and provide three reasons (thesis) provide three reasons (thesis)
Three Types of Introductions: General Statement Almost every time one turns on a television a number of shows are extremely violent. Many public schools have required students to wear school uniforms.
Three Types of Introductions: Question Introduction Is the violence on prime time television too excessive? Should public education students be required to wear school uniforms?
Three Types of Introductions: Quotation Introduction A recent article in Time magazine stated that the viewing of violent television shows is the number one cause of violence in inner cities. The Milwaukee Journal recently conducted a study and concluded that schools where uniforms were required had less behavior problems and performed better academically.
Notice that we have simply introduced the topic so far. We have not stated a position or given and evidence
Introduction Examples: General Statement Introduction Smoking is an issue that has been under a lot of recent controversy. Each day, thousands of unsuspecting people are exposed to secondhand smoke. People who smoke believe they know all about the damage they are inflicting upon themselves. However, many people do not know the very real dangers of secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke can cause a wide range of cancers, various diseases in small children, and can also cause heart disease in otherwise healthy adults.
Introduction Examples: Question Introduction Is secondhand smoke really a big enough problem to ban smoking in public places? The answer is yes. Each day, thousands of unsuspecting people are exposed to secondhand smoke. People who smoke believe they know all about the damage they are inflicting upon themselves. However, many people do not know the very real dangers of secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke can cause a wide range of cancers, various diseases in small children, and can also cause heart disease in otherwise healthy adults.
Introduction Examples: Quotation Introduction The current Surgeon General’s report concluded that scientific evidence indicates that there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Each day, thousands of unsuspecting people are exposed to secondhand smoke. People who smoke believe they know all about the damage they are inflicting. However, many do not know the very real dangers of secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke can cause a wide range of cancers, various diseases in small children, and can also cause heart disease in otherwise healthy adults.
Final Thoughts Please… Be concise and to the point Do NOT go into detail or provide evidence or examples