MARKETING RESEARCH ESSENTIALS WITH DATA ANALYSIS IN EXCEL AND SPAA McDaniel │ Gates │ Sivaramakrishnan │ Main Chapter Fifteen: Communicating the Research Results and Managing Marketing Research
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe the primary purposes of a research report Explain how to organize and prepare a research Describe how to present the research and results Understand what clients want from a marketing research supplier or department Explain some of the key managerial functions in running a marketing research supplier organization or department Chapter Fifteen: Communicating the Research Results and Managing Marketing Research
The Research Report Title Page Executive Summary Table of Contents Background Methodology Findings (bulk of report) Conclusions and Recommendations Appendices
Interpreting the Findings Research objectives and background serve as the guide for interpreting findings and drawing conclusions Find results that pertain to the objectives Conclusions – generalizations that answer the questions raised by the research objectives
Formulating the Recommendations Recommendations – conclusions applied to marketing strategies or tactics that focus on a client’s achievement of differential advantage
Graphics in the Report Used to present research efficiently and effectively Use when appropriate
The Research Presentation Consider… Hard copies for audience Tailor presentation to audience Allow time for discussion and questions Web options What is the decision-making problem that prompted the client to have the research conducted? What do the data mean and what answers do they provide for the client’s decision-making problem? What are some concrete recommendations based on the findings? What are some limitations of the study? Is further study required? If so, what?
Research Supplier Management What Do Clients Want? Confidentiality Honesty, punctuality, flexibility, responsiveness High-quality results Excellent control standards Customer-orientated approach Updates throughout the project
Research Supplier Management Managing the Research Process: Organizing the supplier firm Data quality management Time and cost management Client profitability management Staff management and development
Selecting a Supplier Consider… Their research approach and fit with your study Size of vendor Their project team (credentials, experience) How long they have been in business Their clients and reference checks Will they be using a sub-contractor Their quality control standards
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