The Spartan Way This year we are going to focus on being RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and SAFE in all areas of the school
PBIS….What is It? “PBIS” stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Why PBIS? If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach. If a child doesn’t know how to multiply, we teach. If a child doesn’t know how to swim, we teach. If a child doesn’t know how to behave, we________. We need to finish the last sentence in the same way…..WE TEACH
The Spartan Way Students will be learning how to be RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and SAFE in all areas of the school
The Spartan Way RESPECTFUL RESPONSIBLE SAFE These are the EXPECTATIONS of EVERYONE at Sacred Hearts School
The Spartan Way Why are we doing this?
The Spartan Way Because…. Every student, teacher, staff member and volunteer who is a part of Sacred Hearts School deserves to be treated with RESPECT.
The Spartan Way Because… When every student, teacher, staff member, and volunteer are being RESPONSIBLE, our school is more successful.
The Spartan Way Because…. Every student, teacher, staff member, and volunteer deserves to be SAFE at school.
What is a Matrix? The kids are being taught through matrices what the expectations look like in all areas of the school building
All Settings Matrix Respectful Follow adult directions promptly Follow school wide behavior expectations Try to do your best Clean up after yourself Accept consequences without arguing Responsible Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself Use all school equipment safely Distractions such as food, gum, hats, iPods, cell phones, etc. must be left in backpacks Follow all safety rules Safe Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself Use all school equipment safely Distractions such as food, gum, hats, iPods, cell phones, etc. must be left in backpacks Follow all safety rules
Incentive Program…. Kids will be given “tickets” when they are outwardly following the expectations. “Catch them being good” concept. Kids can get tickets in all areas of the school and they can get them from any staff or volunteer. Yellow Tickets: General Expectations Red Tickets: Targeted Expectations (playground for September) Pink Tickets: Given by Administrators for very specific behaviors witnessed
Office Referral Form We will be tracking all minor and major incidents of not following the school wide expectations. Students will be given an Office Referral Form. This form will be sent home for parent signature and then should be returned to school. All referral forms will be tracked in a data base so we can assess our problem areas. We will track the what, when, where, and who. This will give us an idea of where we need to focus on re- teaching or changes in procedures, etc.
Goals of PBIS at Sacred Hearts To improve the climate & culture of our school Help students focus on learning Encourage behavior we want to occur again Make problem behaviors less likely
Points to Remember… This is social skills instruction We’re teaching how to build a positive community through well outlined and taught procedures and routines. We assume nothing and teach everything.
Something to Think About… Consider using a PBIS framework at your home. Agree on 3-5 expectations Create matrices to define those expectations in various areas Reward for Excellence:)