NCVO: The Future Landscape of European Funding Small VCS Organisations and Consortia
Why consortia? Barriers Facing Small Organisations The procurement process (long, complex, expensive) Unable to find out about opportunities Contracts are too big Frameworks (if too complex and too large)
Barriers…cont Pre-qualification Understanding the requirements (anachronisms used, poorly worded specifications) Lack of feedback Cashflow
Consortia – overcoming barriers Scale Joint working at the frontline – improved services for client groups Driving up standards Building capacity Strengthening competitive position
Big Lottery Fund ‘Building Better Opportunities: A summary of our partnership requirements’
Benefits of partnership-working ‘Local organisations working together often have the reach and expertise to make the greatest impact’ ‘Smaller organisations may be most effective for delivering certain types of provision, but may not have the scale to deliver the entirety of a project on their own’
Key Features Sector-wide or sub-sector Formal Structures Membership ownership and control Engagement of smaller VCS organisations
Vertical Alliance Commissioner/Funder Managing Body Frontline VCS Providers
Horizontal Alliance Frontline VCS ‘Super Provider’ Commissioner/Funder
How does it work? Incorporation to form new legal entity Providers become members of this company Hub and spokes operating model
Hub & Spokes
Benefits of a horizontal model Grass roots ownership and ‘buy-in’ Level playing field – mutualism, co-operation Peer-to-peer mentoring/capacity building Shared risk and reward Creating a step change in VCS delivery capability
Membership eligibility criteria Universal criteria – Sector (not-for-profit organisations and social enterprises) – Provision of services for the vulnerable and hard- to-reach – Area of operation – Commitment to consortium working – Commitment to sharing expertise
Contract-Readiness Criteria – Financial health – Quality systems – Suitable organisational policies – Suitable governance – Technical capacity
Membership Full Membership (contract ready) Associate Membership (working towards contract readiness) Affiliate Members (community centres, neighbourhood groups etc)