Teachings from Prahalad BY: PUSHPIT MAGGO


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Presentation transcript:

Teachings from Prahalad BY: PUSHPIT MAGGO

Who was Hiranyakashipu ? Hiranyakashyap was the king of the demons. He wanted to conquer the world. He was so egoistic. Hiranyakashipu decided to gain magical powers by performing a penance from Lord Brahma. He commanded everybody in his kingdom to worship only him. Hiranyakashyap son’s name was Prahalad.

Hiranyakashipu’s Boon Brahma is very pleased with Hiranyakashyap’s penance and agrees to give him a boon. Hiranyakashyap asks “Lord, no entity created by you can kill me; I cannot die inside the house or outside, during the day or the night. I cannot be killed by any weapon by any human , living or non living, any demi-god or demon. Grant me this boon.” Brahma granted him the boon “Tathastu”

Hiranyakashipu became very powerful and ordered every one to pray to him instead of any other God

Hiranyakashipu decided to kill Prahlada Despite several warnings from his father Hiranyakashipu, Prahlada continues to worship Vishnu instead. Hiranyakashipu decided to kill Prahlada He trampled the boy with elephants, but he lived. Commanded to kill the child by throwing over the cliffs. Asked Holika, Hiranyakashyap’s sister to take him into fire (She had a magic shawl to protect her)

After tolerating abuse from Hiranyakashyap, Prahlada is eventually saved by Narasimha avatar He had the head of a lion and the body of a man. The arms were lion’s arms with sharp paws. He picked Hiranyakashyap and took him to the threshold of the courtyard. He laid Hiranyakashyap on his lap and killed him using his sharp paws. Hiranyakahsyap’s boon was unable to save him. Lord Narsimha was neither human nor animal, it was neither day nor night, Hiranyakashyap was neither on the earth nor in the sky and the lion’s paws; not any weapon.

The story of Prahlada gives a number of teachings such as: The story of Prahlada gives a number of teachings such as:     * God prevails everywhere.     * God will always save his devotees.     * Devotion can be practised at any point of time. Age does not matter.     * The people who are practising evil will be punished.     * Devotion to God is no one’s birth right but of character. Prahlad was born asura but was the greatest Bhakta (devotee) of Vishnu.

QUIZ ? What is the name of Hiranakasyap’s son? Which god Prahalad worship? What was the name of Hiranakashyap’s sister? Who killed Hiranakashyap?