CCSS Updates CDE proposed timeline to State Board. CISC -ELA and math. RCOE will have introduced CCSS to over 300 administrators by March 1 in Riverside County. Network meetings. Collaboration with local universities K Common Core assessments
Proposed California Implementation Timeline for Curriculum and Instruction Build awareness Begin preparation Preparation ELD Standards Public comment on Math Framework Review and approve supplemental instructional materials Revise existing quizzes, unit exams, and end of course exams to assess higher level thinking, constructed response, synthesis, and collaboration Adopt new Math Framework All districts implement CCSS Public comment on ELA Framework Revise existing quizzes, unit exams, and end of course exams to assess higher level thinking, constructed response, synthesis, and collaboration Adopt new ELA Framework Implementation of new assessments 2
Next Steps Haiku Implementation of CCSS for administrators CCSS for teacher leaders Module training Support districts with implementation