Chapter 3 Searching the Literature
Literature Reviews are Important conceptual literature – books and articles written by experts related research – previous studies in problem area continue to search literature throughout project
Working bibliography note cards reference database managers –Endnote –Reference Manager
Research Reading Abstracts can provide summary/overview critical reading – reading a large amount of material while thinking about, reflecting upon, & analyzing the content Good idea to take notes Often helpful to start with review resources
Sources of Literature Indexes Reviews Periodicals Computer Retrieval Systems –ERIC –Sport Discus –Medline –PsycLIT –DATRIX
Tips for Conducting a Computer Search State the problem precisely Select an appropriate database Identify key words from the problem Conduct and initial search Use references cited in other articles
Searching the Internet Subject directories Search engines Metasearch engines
Evaluating Information on Web What is the source? –edu, com, gov, org, net Who is the author? Is the information current? Are references provided? Are links to other websites provided?