A:B: #1 What year was the first football game played/ C:D:
A:B: Yale vs. HarvardNotre Dame vs. USC #2 Who were the first two teams to play in the first game? C:D: Rutgers vs. PrincetonNotre Dame vs. Alabama
Rutgers vs. Princeton
A:B: Tom BradyWalter Camp #3 Who is considered the father of American football? C:D: Paul “Bear” BryantJimmy Johnson
Walter Camp
A:B: #4 What year was the American Professional Football Association formed? C:D:
A:B: 1121 #5 How many players are there on the at once during a play? C:D: 2215
A:B: TouchdownEnd zone #6 What is the scoring area on the football field called? C:D: Field goalHome field
End zone
A:B: 300 yards200 yards #7 How long is a football field? C:D: 50 yards100 yards
A:B: Down and distanceDistance #8 What are the white lines on the football field called? C:D: Yard linesStopping Spot
Yard lines
A:B: A coin tossRunning #9 What does each football game begin with? C:D: A talkEnergy
A coin toss
A:B: quarterbackdefense #10 What is the unit called who has the ball? C:D: coachingoffense
A:B: Coaching and coordinators Defense and special teams #11 Besides offense, what are the other two units called? C:D: Defense and coachingSpecial teams and coordinators
Defense and Special teams
A:B: 12 minutes20 minutes #12 How long is a standard professional football game? C:D: 10 minutes15 minutes
A:B: transitionsdowns #13 What are the four attempts called for a teams to get 10 yards? C:D: pressureoffense
A:B: MovementRunning #14 What is it called when the team gets those 10 yards? C:D: First downDowns
First down
A:B: Snapoffense #15 What is it called when the offense and defense are facing each other? C:D: defenseLin of scrimmage
GREAT JOB GREAT JOB Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing!