What is the Common Core State Standards Initiative? A state-led effort to establish a single set of clear standards for ELA and math Informed by the best evidence and highest standards Designed by a diverse group Designed to ensure students are prepared for college and career Benchmarked to international standards
What will the CCSS mean for students? Provide clarity of student learning expectations Help provide all students with an equal opportunity for education Ensure more consistent exposure to materials and learning experiences Prepare students to be college and career ready
What will the CCSS mean for teachers? Help teachers develop and implement effective strategies Help colleges and PD programs better prepare teachers Allow for even better assessments Guide curricula and strategies toward a deep understanding of the subject and skills
CCSS for Mathematics Focused on big ideas in grade bands Grade level standards in K-8 High school content divided into blocks of information Permanent learning of fewer concepts at each grade level Focus on NCTM Standards for Mathematical Practice
CCSS for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Integrated literacy model Interdisciplinary/cross-curricular approach to literacy Reading complex texts, including informational and technical texts Writing emphasizes the persuasive/ argumentative Emphasizes deeper learning of content Increased complexity of texts and performance tasks