CSE CST Anti-Terrorism and Privacy, One Year After Nancy Y. Cheng, FCA Associate Deputy Chief, IT Security Communications Security Establishment November 7, 2002
CSE CST CACR Info Security and Privacy & Security Workshop University of Toronto, November 7, Presentation Outline n 9/11 and CSE n Impact on the Information Technology Security “business” n IT security and privacy, post 9/11
CSE CST CACR Info Security and Privacy & Security Workshop University of Toronto, November 7, /11 and CSE n What’s new since 9/11? n Legislative authorities Bill C-36, Anti-terrorism Act National Defence Act amended to clarify authorities for CSE to combat terrorism n Resources December 2001 budget provided funding for national security CSE received part of that funding
CSE CST CACR Info Security and Privacy & Security Workshop University of Toronto, November 7, Impact on IT Security “Business” n Pre 9/11 Primary focus was to be e-Government enabler Investments in information infrastructures n One year after 9/11 Dual drivers: enabler and protection As enabler, moving beyond infrastructures To protect, positioning to stay ahead of the curve
CSE CST CACR Info Security and Privacy & Security Workshop University of Toronto, November 7, IT Security and Privacy n What IT security is Supports electronic service delivery by helping to ensure privacy rights are properly respected Protects systems and data from cyber threats and malicious attacks by predicting, preventing, detecting and responding to them n What IT security is NOT Does not serve as a means to control all citizenry data
CSE CST CACR Info Security and Privacy & Security Workshop University of Toronto, November 7, IT Security and Privacy… n Checks and balance New authorities relate to “intercepting private communications” Use of these authorities requires ministerial authorization Restricted to “protecting computer systems or networks of the Government of Canada” Subject to review by CSE Commissioner Legislation to be reviewed within 3 years
CSE CST CACR Info Security and Privacy & Security Workshop University of Toronto, November 7, IT Security and Privacy… n Dealing with today’s issues n Examples: Addressing identification and authentication needs Assessing and providing security for wireless and mobile technologies Understanding new threats and mitigate associated risks n Anticipating and preparing for tomorrow’s challenges
CSE CST CACR Info Security and Privacy & Security Workshop University of Toronto, November 7, Phone: (613) FAX: (613)