Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 1/31/20161 If you modify this powerpoint, update the version information below. This slide is hidden from slideshow Version – Justyn Poulos
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 1/31/20162 J. Evaluation Plan
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 1/31/20163 Critical Element/Trainer Presentations PBIS Implementation GoalWorkbook Examples and Tools J.Evaluation 49.Students and staff are surveyed about PBIS a.Students and staff are surveyed at least annually (e.g., items on climate survey or specially developed PBIS plan survey), and information is used to address the PBIS plan. Module J Snapshot Module J - Self- Assessment and Action Plan School Walkthrough Tool PBIS Assessment Guide BoQ Webinar 50.Students and staff can identify expectations and rules a.At least 90% of students and staff can identify the school-wide expectations and rules for specific settings (can be identified through surveys, random interviews, etc.). 51.Staff use discipline system/documentation appropriately a % of staff know the procedures for responding to inappropriate behavior, use forms as intended and fill them out correctly (can be identified by reviewing completed forms, staff surveys, etc.). 52.Staff use reward system appropriately a % staff understand identified guidelines for the acknowledgement system and are using the acknowledgement system appropriately (can be identified by reviewing acknowledgement, token distribution, surveys, etc.). 53.Outcomes (behavior problems, attendance, morale) are documented and used to evaluate PBIS plan. a.There is a plan for collecting data to evaluate PBIS outcomes, most data is collected as scheduled, and data is used to evaluate PBIS plan.
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 1/31/20164 Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) Guides the development of an action plan for improving initial PBIS Implementation Completed by PBIS Team coming to consensus on scoring of each item Completed Fall and Winter until fidelity reached on Spring BoQ May be completed more often to assist with Action Planning Submitted online on PBIS Assessment website Keeps record of past scores for monitoring progress Graphs of overall and subscale scores Goal: 80% or more items scored Achieved Directions for administration and scoring:
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 1/31/20165 Self Assessment Survey (SAS) Determines the status of PBIS implementation in a school as perceived by all staff members Guides the development of an action plan for improving PBIS implementation Completed on PBIS Assessment website by all staff members annually in the fall Goal: 80% or higher on the implementation average for school-wide systems
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 1/31/20166 Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) Assists teams in finding areas of strength and areas in need of improvement in PBIS implementation Completed by PBIS team members and coach independently. Scored by coach using team member ratings and rubric Team discusses areas of discrepancy in scores between coach and team National PBIS TA Center puts most emphasis on this tool for implementation fidelity and tier 2 readiness Scores entered into PBIS Assessment by district local coordinator Goal: 70% or more of total points
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 1/31/20167 School-Wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Research Tool for Tier 1 Implementation Validates results of BoQ and SAS Conducted in spring on 10-20% of PBIS schools by trained, external evaluator. Scores entered into PBIS Assessment by district local coordinator Goal: 80% on expectations taught and 80% of overall points (80/80)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 1/31/20168 Tier 1 School Walkthrough Tool
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 1/31/20169 Self-Assessment Timeline
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 1/31/ Activity 10 Evaluation Plan Complete Activity H. Evaluation Plan self assessment and action planning Think about the following questions as you action plan: How will team support staff? How will staff be encourage to use the new system effectively? How will they know when behavior changes? How will the data be shared? How can it impact staff buy in? How will data help build better, more efficient and effective solutions? How can we use data to celebrate our success? How can we use data to change our teaching practices and be better “consumers” of Evidence based practices? How will we share with school community, district leadership?